14 April 2024 5 new members to welcome!

My goodness y’all where is April going? We had a bit of a nasty storm come through this week with the tornado warning. I didn’t think the wind would die ever die down, but it did eventually. So I’ve been picking up limbs and twigs out of the yard again. I’m trying to avoid more fairy rings. I don’t clean up in the woods because the forest ranger asked me not to as it helps the ecosystem. Trees do like to shed and I figure picking up after them is now my life’s work in the areas I mow. I don’t mind the trees doing what trees do. But I do mind people throwing their trash out into the yard! Jeez Louise, you’d think they’d just throw their own trash into the back seat. Often times I’ve thought of putting up a sign saying “I am not your mother, pick up after your own darn self”. But that would probably lead to more trash being thrown along the road. We keep a grocery bag in our vehicles most time just for trash, easy smeasy and no one has to pick up after us. I don’t understand why others can’t do the same. At our old house we were along a busy road as well. I did get a couple $20 bills over the years there and a brand new looking pair of Air Jordan’s that I gifted to a neighbor. Here, I just get trash. Maybe some day, I’ll find some money, in the meantime, I’ll just be getting my steps and exercise in LOL.

Let’s get on to the welcomes, I’ve got some more twigs to get up and a wisteria to eradicate before the temps hit the 80’s…

@MonikaH starts us off this week. Monika is from Spain and is on the ball already started a new topic you can read and reply to here Unruptured aneurysm surgery, memory recovery. Her father had a craniotomy for an unruptured aneurysm and his memory isn’t back yet. She returned to Macedonia to care for him which I think is wonderful. Having supportive family members is always a good thing!

@Disneygirl is down in Florida. Vel was hospitalized when a 3 mm aneurysm in the ACA (Anterior Cerebral Artery) was discovered. Unfortunately Vel doesn’t have any insurance so not able to seek out treatment. For those outside of the USA, we don’t have a National Healthcare System and private pay insurance despite our government is extremely expensive for most folks. The best we have is what is called the Affordable Healthcare Plan. Hopefully Vel you can look into it
https://www.healthcare.gov/. These people may be able to connect you with someone as well https://www.shepherdshope.org/patients/services/
You might also want to try UFL and see what they can do for you. Appointments » Lillian S. Wells Department of Neurosurgery at the University of Florida » College of Medicine » University of Florida It doesn’t cost anything to make a call and they may have a program you can apply for.

@NewIn Is in Singapore. Nek’s husband has two aneurysms, one on either side. One had to be treated immediately due to its size and was coiled. The second one is smaller and irregular shape but the doctor has put it on the watch list. I’m really curious to why Nek feels it was “a little weird” to find it. I’m always curious…please start a new topic under the General tab and let us know.

@Scorpio63 is in Connecticut. Waynes girlfriend ruptured and eventually had a craniotomy. The doctor said it was in the worse possible area. Wayne is on the ball as well and has already started a new topic here Please help, my girlfriend recently had a ruptured aneurysm. He shares he is looking for more information and support, both of which we can offer. He is also afraid for his girlfriend and a little sad. Ruptured aneurysms affect everyone we love, not just the patient.

@HollyC is up in Pennsylvania. Holly found out about us from her sister! (Thanks Sis). Holly has been recently diagnosed with a right Internal Carotid Artery (ICA) cavernous aneurysm. It sounds to me like she’s doing her homework and is collecting information from different doctors. Good for you Holly! In the meantime she’s enjoying time spent with her 11 grandchildren!

That’s the newest members this week. A hearty welcome to everyone! Please start a new topic under either Support or General tabs by clicking on the “+” sign under either one. Don’t worry if you put it in the wrong place, either myself or the folks at ModSupport can fix it. Also if you need any assistance navigating the site, just reach out to either me (@Moltroub) or the very kind folks @ModSupport. Remember to be patient as we can be in different time zones. If it’s me your after, I usually am just on during the morning.

Be kind to every one who crosses your path and to yourselves. Have a great week y’all!

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