How would I know?

I’m currently 14wks post coiling for a ruptured annie, but get increasingly anxious when I get headaches. I was told upon discharge that headaches are going to be a common after effect :frowning: I seem to be having headaches daily, albeit not being the thunder clap pain I had when the rupture happened. What I’d like to know is how would I know if the headaches were because there was a re-bleed or that the coils were compacting? Not do to see the consultant until August so until then would very much appreciate your thoughts. Many thanks Claire-x-

Hi Claire!

Good question indeed. In my case, the annie that I had coiled in 2006 (after an Sah) gave me no problems or headaches at all, until suddenly one night 3 years after getting the coils, the exact same intense lightning bolt of pain that I remembered having right before my collapse in 2006 --came back--so out of the blue and suddenly, that I thought I had yet another annie to deal with. Turns out the coils had compacted, and that was the effect. I swear the pain was identical to when I went down in 2006! I subsequently got a clipping instead of having more coils added, as I didn't want to go through that 'surprise I'm back " feeling ever again.

If your headaches are severe in nature, or anything like the thunderclap of pain you previously experienced, get to the ER and demand an Angiogram . There is the possibility that leakage can occur, so I wouldn't wait til August if you think something is out of the ordinary. You know your body better then any doctor ever will, so keep that in mind. None of this is easy, I wish you nothing but Healing vibes in your journey ! Janet

Hello Claire,

Sue didn't suffer with headaches until about 8 months after her SAH. But now they seem to be daily, she normaly takes co- codimol to clam things down a bit but this worries me a bit because they are addictive. I can understand the anxiety you must feel when you get a headache, the not knowing whether or not it's going the same way as before. But like Sue i'm wondering if a short coarse of anti-depressants may just calm things down a bit as most of Sue's pain starts in her neck and radiates up into her head it's a vicious circle, pain, worry , tension, pain. I tried getting Sue to get some and even the doctor agreed but she wouldn't take them.

Sorry to read that you haven't had any luck getting an earlier appointment just remember the old saying the screaming baby always get fed first, keep on at them. Best Wishes John & Sue

Hi Claire - this questions is on my mind everyday...I am just over a year post-coiling for a rupture. It seems like any little twinge and I am worried. I finally realized that this is going to happen because of all the trauma to my brain and have learned to take other things into account - am I dizzy? am I nauseous? how do I feel besides the headache? I finally talked to my Neurosurgeons office and they helped put my mind at ease..maybe yours can help you too. It truly does take a long time for your brain to heal, My good thoughts and prayers to you to find some comfort and to continue healing...Mary

Hi Janet, thanks for your reply :) Sorry you had to go through it a second time :( that's my major anxiety!!! I wouldn't say they were severe headaches, their just so annoying & a right pain in the bum! Their not always around the same area as where my annie was, their sometimes to the side of my head & sometimes around my eyes & forehead area. Perhaps i'll make an appointment to see my GP as its so much easier to get an appointment with her than the consultant! Thanks again, love Claire -x-

Hi both, my headaches started quite early after my coiling & was given paracetamol & codine to ease the pain. They helped for a while, but I think perhaps i'm now immune to them, as they don't seem to work aswell as they first did. I sympathise with Sue & the vicious circle she finds herself going around in & would suggest that she give a course of anti-depressants a go. I'm currently prescribed a course & while they don't really help with the pain, they certainly help with my anxiety & depression, enabling me to relax a little. In my mind i'm always thinking why? whats this headache about? whats going to happen! Maybe once I've been for my follow-up & hopefully told that everything is as it should be, then i'll be fine, but until then i'm forever wondering. Thanks for the reply, take care, love Claire -x-

Hi Mary, thanks for replying. You've slightly eased my concerns as I never really thought about taking other things into account! I as i'm not dizzy or nauseous or feel anything like I did when my annie ruptured, then i'm assuming this is perhaps just something I have to live with for a while. Perhaps i'll go see my GP as its much easier getting an appointment with her than with the consultant at the hospital. I was told by the secretary that I was given as August appointment as that was the earliest one! What am I supposed to say to that! Any information you could perhaps pass on to me from what your neurosurgeons told you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again, love Claire -x-

wow Claire -good question i don't have a clue-especially after reading janets reply. I did not feel anything- i was recoiled i yr after sah- no symptoms.Hope your doing well with improvement~ take care~

Hi Ron, just out of interest, if you didn’t have any symptoms, why were u recoiled? & how did you know something was wrong? x

hi Claire - they knew fom the 6 month mra and angiogram I think. Actually I thnk I felt better back then but that might be the shunt needing adjustment


How long do your headaches last?

Do you awaken with a headache? does it occur (begin) when you do specific things, down to turning your head in some direction?

Is August your first follow-up angio? Was a Patient Guide provided to you explaining the usual time span for the follow-up? Fairly recently I have been learning the variance in the time frames for the follow-up angios... for those of us who were coiled...and, whether ruptured or nonrupture... It rather intrigues me...

Prayers, you will track the levels / time / frequency...and, do not hesitate to call the doc...

I do not have headaches...I do have the constant pressure...ike a balloon w/one more puff, it may pop...

Prayers fr your comfort and for calling the doc if you are not satsified, comfortable with your status..


Hi-I recently had my 2nd coiling-headaches from procedure lasted about 2 weeks, then diminisshed-hope your's will soon do the same:) marcia

Hi pat, headaches usually only last until I take painkillers, but usually return before the next dose is due :frowning: Waking with a headache used to be nearly every morning, but seem to be getting better of a morning & more during the day. Yes August will be my first follow up since I was discharged on January 13th, don’t know if I’m going to have an angio as the letter didn’t say what was going to happen at the appointment :frowning: & no patient guide was given to me. Will start taking notes as to the frequency, when, etc my headaches arise, it’s is a good idea as i can show the dr. Thanks for your prayers & hope you well, take care, Claire -x-

Hi Marcia, did u have a second annie or did u have your first re-coiled? Claire -x-


It is very common for a patient to have headaches ranging from mild to severe for 6-12 months and beyond after a rupture/coiling. Angio's will likely bring on headaches for another week or two due to contrast/dye being injected. I've been told by numerous neurosurgeons and physicians that the magical time frame seems to be 6-12 months, before a patient is able to gauge what the new normal for the individual may be. For some it can be longer. Others are more fortunate and have a faster recovery.

One neurosurgeon likened my rupture/bleed on the brain to hitting the thumbnail with a hammer. Think of how long it takes for that blood under the nail to dissipate/grow out. That is how long (if not longer) it will take for that blood in your head to dissipate/absorb. Depending on what was disrupted in your brain, you may have different types of pain.

Take lots of notes on what causes each type. What time of day, weather conditions, activities. Squeezing pain? Shooting pain? Crushing pain? Sharp pain? Tension? Does it move? Is vision affected? Balance? As you do this, you'll find a pattern.

My memory is terrible since this happened. I try to keep a journal every day. Thankfully, I've been able to go back over the past 9 months and find some patterns to the madness. Just be patient with your body and with yourself as you heal.

God bless

HI claire ,

My rupture was just about 2 years ago I was coiled and given a stent . Took my docs 3 diff times to get the 9 coils in and i need a few more . I don't remember the rupture at all which is both good and bad . How do I know if it's happening again if I don't remember how it felt . I get Headaches EVERYDAY . some days I cry and not out of pain but pure frustration . I get quick ice pic headaches all the time and some other strange headaches . Funny thing is I don't remember what a regular ol' headache feels like . I'm not one for pills i have to take my baby aspirin every day but lately I've been popping tylenol because of lots of neck pain . Feel free to look me up on Facebook to chat more about our brains . Have a great day !

Amanda Conrad

Hi Amanda, I wasn’t told if I had a stent fitted so I’m assuming I didn’t but I wasn’t told how many coils I had fitted either :frowning: the headache you would have suffered during your rupture would have been the most painful & worst headache you’d ever had, well mine was anyway. Just came out of no where & felt as though someone had hit me over the head with a cricket bat! I also suffered dizziness, nausea & had a really stiff neck! I too take daily pain killers for the headache, admittingly they aren’t as bad as the one I had when my annie ruptured. I’m on fb quite regularly, so will see if I can find you. Thanks for replying, love Claire -x-

Thanks Jenny, your feedback makes a lot of sense, especially in likening our ruptures to when u hit your thumbnail with a hammer :slight_smile: was hoping the headaches weren’t going to last that long & the thought of them lasting a whole year perhaps even longer is quite depressing :frowning: I am starting to learn to live with them but do worry terribly whether the headache is caused by something else such as leaking, another annie, compacting coils etc :frowning: my memory too has been effected since the rupture so taking down notes is probably a good idea for me to do aswell. Thanks for replying & hope u stay well, love Claire -x-


The headaches are scary and can be overwhelming. When I notice a change, I panic. I worry about leaking, pressure, shifts in the coils (mine shifted as my annie continued to grow after 1st rupture). I've had three times now where I felt a rupture. The second time, all doctors told me it was impossible, and I was never tested. Now that I've had this last rupture, I can say that middle one was definitely the same. There is no mistaking that *pop*, followed by the pain in the neck (literally and figuratively), buzzing in ears, head rush, etc... Trust your body, and learn to listen to it. But definitely don't give in to fear. I do not take pain meds unless I am desperate. I find this allows me to be able to really tune into what kind of sensation or pain I've got going on.

I've found that yoga and meditation help tremendously. It keeps my mind off things, helps me with pain control, circulation, and with staying positive. I, too, am on FB, for anyone else who wishes to keep in touch there. I find that forum a lot easier to follow than these threads. These are very hard on my brain/eyes. :)


Oh poor u :frowning: going through the initial rupture’s bad enough but to have things go wrong 3 times must have been awful! I’ll be forever listening for a “popping” sound now :slight_smile: yes I agree fb is much easier on the eyes & brain than these threads, so will look out for u on the BAF site on there. Big hugs, Claire -x-