Headaches post haemorrhage

I suffered a brain haemorrhage 2.5 years ago and have no physical or mental problems so I am very lucky! I do however suffer from headaches still and have the constant fear that the coiled aneurysm will grow or burst again. The headaches are very sharp and last for an hour or so which means that my day can be cut short early as I have to lay down afterwards or take strong painkillers.
Anyone else have the same problem?


I was extremely fortunate as well (clipping in 98 for a non rupture, coiling for one that let go in 2006 and after a 6 week coma/shunt/trache/I walked out of the hospital with some vague right sided weakness which i've since worked thru, but in 2010 the coils did compact on me (I was able to get a clipping and was able to forsake the coils altogether) but NO headaches after any of my procedures....there are countless coil surviviers on this website who DO have headaches though, ones that they never had before their coils, and I'm sure you'll be getting responses from a number of them. I really wonder how often aneurysm survivors are told of the likilhood of this before they've undergone their coil procedures..There are a good many here who didn't have a choice in which procedure they'd get ofcourse, (ruptures seem to circumvent choices , don't they !) I was very thankful that I was able to get a clipping after my coils compacted, as some coils/placements of the coils make it impossible to do a successful clipping after the coils are done...

I hope your headaches subside soon and you're able to get past the (much disputed by the medical field)side effect of the coils...and I'm guessing you get your followup angios and such? My Neurosurgeon from the coil procedure never bothered to inform me that followup angio/sMRA's, etc were even necessary , and good God was I shocked to learn that about 1 in 4 will need to be re-addressed down the line. I infact was sure I had suffered yet another aneurysm when mine compacted, as I truly was without a clue about the extreme odds of the coiling procedure, and the pain in my skull that hit me when they did compact, OMG, that was enough to scare me into the clipping as that is so much more the permanent fix. (sigh), none of this is straightforward or simple...Thank God we're here to talk about it !

Peace to you on this journey, Janet

HI and Yes...I was coiled about 2 1/2 years ago too...and I get migraines now I never experienced before coiling...they come on about once a month and if I don't get on top of them with medicine, they last for a few days...I now seem to know when one is coming on...I am learning to live with them, but easy for me to say, I donot work out of the house, like so many on this site...and I am able to lay down and rest when I get the headaches...I see a Neurologist for them...Have you seen one? Sometimes they can switch meds that work better and also be careful not to get "rebound headaches" from meds...sympathize with you ~ Colleen

I rarley had headaches before my rupture 3 years ago. The for the next 18 months after though headaches became a way of life. They have all but disappeared at this point. However whenever I get one of those stabbing pains behind the eye or any type of head pain, I get very nervous. In my case the coils have compacted and left a residual aneurysm which currently is not treatable. So I understand your concerns completely.

If it's been 2.5 years for you I assume you have has severally follow-up procedures. Has there been any indication of coil compaction or aneurysm growth?

hi simpy! noo I wouldn't worry about compaction/ recoiling --or-- another rupture, mine had to be recoiled but it was 7 mnths post sah coiling and they knew at 6mnths,they were in no hurry either as I was worried to death because they didn't take my insurance so I had to switch to another one in the medicare system- even tho they said they did take that one????? anyway don't worry if you made 3 yrs almost that's good news-as the other said , you are probably getting mras and xrays to check right? think positive, no smoking and take care of yourself-oh and I did not have any headaches so headaches are not necessarily a sign of trouble with the compaction. Just in case i'll keep you in thoughts and prayers!