"Your aneurysm is gone, the PED did its job"?
I did! At my 6 month angio!! Best words every spoken in my humble opinion!
SWEET!how big was it? and do you still have to take this dreaded life saving wonderful plavix
My annie was 9 mm and was laying right at the ophthalmic artery. I only took the plavix for 6 months, but I'll be on the 81 mg aspirin for the rest of my life! I do have another 3mm annie on my left side in the internal carotid artery, which is being watched for growth, but so far after a year, it has not grown at all.
Best wishes,
thank you Linda. Much love and luck to you. Mine was 9mm. just 3 weeks. still a few headaches.
Denise, before you know it, you too will be like me celebrating your one year annie versary! The headaches are norm, my surgeon told my husband that they could last up to 6 months after the surgery, and pretty much around 5 months, my headaches lessened and lessened and I have no headaches at all now. I'm 13 months since my surgery and feel blessed every day. Just had my 1 year MRA last Friday and hopefully that will show no other growth on my other annie.
Love and luck right back atcha! Keep the faith, your healing journey is just beginning! I'm here if you need me, always!
I am looking forward to hearing the. words “it’s gone” also! Thus has been a lobg journey and I’m ready to move forward! !! It’s been a long journey, I’ve met so many wonderful people and am thankful everday for all of you!!!
Not yet! I'm going for my follow-up angio tomorrow morning. Hope to hear those words very soon.
Best of luck to you Marcy!!
Good luck Marcy!!
Go Marcy!!!be one of those people, right??????My dr told me Monday that they are usually gone at 3 months, but you still have to stay on Plavix, I chose to have my angio at 6 month. NO MORE plavix for Marcy!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I just had my 6 month angio done 3 days ago and I heard the words! Last Plavix was actually 2 weeks ago. Last aspirin was the day of the angio. Doc said I don't have to take aspirin either, which was good since I have another surgery coming up in 2 weeks that had been put on hold because of this annie.
Does everyone usually get to stop their aspirin also...or am I just lucky?
I was told if 6 month angio is good…no more plavix, but some sspirin the rest of my life.
I haven’t had my PED yet (having it in 5 days) but the surgeon told me I will have to take the plavix for 6 months and the aspirin for the rest of my life.
Yeah!!!!!go Rosemary you have HEARD THE WORDS!!!!, but the aspririn? thought you had to take that foreverrrrr?maybe because of other surgery?
I know how you are feeling. It is kind of a snap. But, you must take it easy. I have not, because I cant, and at the end of the day...I am always sorry. My right eye is blurry, than God I have two. Good luck Kenya, sweet thoughts are with you.
Thanks so much! My doctor had originally told me an MRA at 3 mos and an angio at 6 mos. When he met with me about 6 weeks after the procedure he told me not to bother with the MRA and just do the angio at 6 mos.
Same for me Kenya, I took Plavix for 6 months, 81 mg aspirin for the rest of my life!
No he said off aspirin forever. Having a MRI and MRA today as a baseline for annual follow up testing. I am going to double check with him though. Keeping my fingers crossed. I think because it’s newer, each doctor does their own thing.
Congrats Rosemary! Wonderful words aren't they?
I think it depends on the doctors, but I will be on 81 mg. aspirin for the rest of my life!
Gotta love hearing those words!