I just found the web site, so happy to see you all, we all share the same feelings. I had mine 14 months ago, 10 mm. I had plavix for 6 months and the aspirin for the rest of my life. Still have headaches, and double vision :((
good luck to all of us for the future, keep finges cross !!
Welcome Yasemin, mine too was 10 mm, behind my right eye and I too have blurred vision.It is a hard site to jump around on if you are new to it. I am not new to it and I have a hard time, lol. What happened at you 6 month check up? Is your aneurysm gone? Find the PED site. Denise
They are the most wonderful words, the other ones are your artery looks normal I cannot see the annie on he angio.
I felt the stress I didn’t even know I had leave me in that instant. That was last Tuesday, I still feel like I am on top of h world.
I replied hours ago, but I was so excited for you I must have forgot to hit "add reply"!!I h ave been thinking of you all afternoon sweet Lynn. Great news and such promise for everyone . We are all leading the others into their feeling of "on top of the world", much love, Denise YOU HEARD THE WORDS!
Hi Denise, i had my ped inserted Nov, 2012, this last Nov, 2013 it was 98% gone. The doctor said it was on its way out!! I was resistant to plavix, so for three months I took another blood thinner medication, I forgot the name starts with a "C" like colestesol, not the spelling that sped up my heart rate and I took a tranquilizer to stop the heatr from beating too fast, and after three months he took me off the blood thinner, and now I only take one baby aspirin a day, 81 m for the rest of my life.
Dr. Micheal Alexander at Cedars Sinai Hospital in LA, Ca. The hospital, doctor and his staff was wonderful, I had some complications but it was all handled very well and quickly. So now I will take a test where I LIVE, and they will send the doctor the results. This will happen every year and this Nov 2014.
were you guys all on plavix for 6 months? my doc said i could come off at 3 months..up to me. it has been four months but i have sever tinnitus so i am thinking of stopping. they said if i had an angio i will probably only be 40 % occluded because i stayed on the plavix.....what was your experience?
PED Dec 4th, 2014 or unruptured wide ICA aneurysm, oddly enough I suffered with headaches before the surgery and the headaches were the reason my GP sent me for a CT scan “just in case” A couple of weeks after my PED, the headaches were gone, and I have not had one since. I marvel at that. My main post op complication was that I had a huge painful hematoma at my groin site. Took too long for that to resolve but it did. Had my 6month angio on June 4th. Anneurysm till there but smaller. NS stopped Plavix. Severe bruising subsided. Hoping or full occulsion by my next angio in Dec. Now THAT would be a great Christmas gift. On baby aspirin for the rest of my life…
Thank you for your replies...it sounds like almost everyone has a "6 month" angio...my NS isn't hot on that although he would do it anytime he said. I honestly believe it is the blood thinners causing my tinnitus; I can live with that. I can't go at 6 months because grandbaby number four is arriving right at that very time. I either go at 5 months or 7 months....hmmmm
Had my PED back in Nov 12' (nearly 8mths), still on Plavix & aspirin :( Go for a CT scan in August & hopefully I will hear those 'magic words' :) Not sure when he will do another angio (have had about 5 since August last year because of problems) so he isn't keen to do another soon.....
Getting close now..... CTA on Monday to see how my PED is since Nov surgery, hopefully good news that it is GONE & the other one has not grown!! Not sure when I will have another angio, back to see my neuro in Sydney in Sept..... Also have to see a vascular surgeon then because I have been having swollen, painful, cold hands & now think I have TOS, which is blocking an artery & nerve to the arm ... Just never seems to end :(
I'm praying to hear those words tomorrow; I'll be in at 6:30 am for my 6 month surveillance angiogram. I've been really blessed so far; I have two telescoped stents, my wide neck 1.2 cm annie is on the right carotid artery on the opthalmic nerve and with the exception of the very occasional tough headache or odd shooty pain in my head, am thinking amazing and miraculous can best describe my recovery since my procedure at the end of February. I couldn't be happier that I went with PED as I was very seriously torn between 2 Neurosurgeon's recommendations (the other was clipping & craniotomy). My Neurosurgeon has let me know that I'll need to stay on the aspirin for life (I'm on 325 daily now with 75 mg plavix) but look forward to getting off the "dreaded life saving wonderful plavix" as Denise H so beautifully describes it ;-). All tootsies are crossed and am welcoming your good juju and prayers! I'm finding myself a little more anxious than I expected to be tonight...
Please let us know. I had a call from my neuro surgeon at Hopkins yesterday! I had a 1 1/2 hour MRA 2 weeks ago to check blood vessels and PED that was placed jun 2012.all is Perfect!!! I do have 3 second shooting pains. Thinking of You!!! All will be perfect!my aneurysm is in exAct loca as yours. A difficult spot, except for a PED
I HEARD THEM!!!!!!!!!!! My aneurysm is completely gone and I'm off the dreaded wonderful plavix TOMORROW!!!!! My neurosurgeon wants to see me a year from now for an MRI. Beyond blessed and so grateful I can barely express it. CONGRATULATIONS to you Denise as well!!!!!!!!! Amazing we're aneurysm location "twins'...shine on, Sistah. and thanks for thinking of me! I've received incredible care from my Neurosurgeon Dr Jared Knopman, and the doctors and nurses at New York- Presbyterian Weill Cornell Interventional Neuroradiology.
Great news Grace. You will begin to feel better after you stop the plavix.message my email if you need anything. It sounds like we had great doctors. I am back in Florida today. But hopkins will always be my hospital .We you awake when you saw the blood flow??? Wasn’t it wonderful ??? Take it very slow, there was someone in your brain yesterday. It’s is serious. No bending, no lifting.
Hi Denise, I was wide awake and wasn't even given anything to relax me as I expected I would be based on all those YouTube videos and internet articles I'd devoured;-), but it was ok...and alas, I was asked to keep my eyes closed, and the screens were at my side, so with my head in the brace like thing they used, I would've had to turn to actually see, I got to see only the images afterward. I'm taking it pretty slow today, took a sick day from work and have done nothing more than putter around and wash a few dishes. I live in a 4th floor walk up apartment so I didn't leave home at all today. I hit a wall of exhaustion and headache at around 9 last night that had me collapse into sleep, but woke up at 1:30, took some tylenol and although it took a while to fall back to sleep, I woke up feeling quite good this morning! It really does occur as incredible to think about having someone in your brain (and your femoral artery!) and being able to carry on nearly as if nothing at all happened, right? Thanks so much again for being there, I WILL message you if I need anything. Going to do best to call it an early night, going back to my normal commute (2 subways, lots of steps) and to work but planning to leave an extra half hour so I can take it slooow!