Surgery day tomorrow

Its very weird how the wait was so unbelievably slow until I got the surgery date, and then it went so very fast. Tomorrow is surgery. I have to arrive at 9, do an mri to put placement markers at 10, and have surgery at 1245. I’ve done pretty well emotionally with all of this…but now the jitters are starting. I assume this is the natural process of things and it will progressively be more nerve wracking from here until I go under, so I’m just kind of accepting that and going through the motions. I will try to keep y’all updated.


It is totally understandable to feel anxious about the surgery. To have made the decision to go ahead with the procedure and finally get it done is a proof of inner strength. You will be in good hands, the neurosurgeons are very skilled and the staff around them will make sure that you feel as comfortable as possible. Are you going to have a endovascular procedure with coils or a stent, or a craniotomy?
We are all survivors in this group with different types of experiences. You are a lucky person that caught the aneurysm before it rupture and I hope everything goes well tomorrow.
I will be thinking of you.
Get back to us when you can and tell us how you are feeling.
Good luck and good night.

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@oct20 It is a craniotomy. We attempted to coil, but it is too complex and not suited for coiling so now we are doing the open craniotomy version, and I wish it was more inner strength rather than necessity, but I suppose it gets me to the same place either way. Mine is growing quickly and a high risk for rupture so it was either do this or let it rupture…kinda takes the choice right out of it :rofl: They got me in within 2 days for the same session angiogram and coiling, but it wasn’t able to be done that way. The specialist in aneurysms that I have now is one of the best but its taken 2 months to situate mainly because he was on sabbatical when this all happened, but all things considered they moved pretty fast sonce he wasnt even actively practicing at the moment.

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To avoid a rupture is the most important. Believe me, I know by experience. You are in good hands. It will soon be over. I’m thinking of you today.
Best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery :mending_heart:

We’ll all be thinking of you and hoping for the absolute best.

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Good luck today! It will be over before you know it

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Just checking in to see how you’re doing since your craniotomy…get back to us when you feel like it, please.

I opened a new spot as a continuatiom of this discussion.