Scary thing

When i tell people about how it feels to have an RBA i tell them its like someone was shoving and ice pick into the back of my head above my neck! Im sorry your having that, i hope you’re having recent scans to make sure your not showing signs of a new rupture! Please have it checked out!

Ty ur last line made me feel better… im struggling with everything right now … lots of people have forgotten what ive been through but we still live with it everyday and it sucks!

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“…lots of people have forgotten what ive been through…”
And this is VERY common. The idea is “They operate. They fix” but if this is ‘fixed’ then I’m another word starting with “F”, others outside of this reality often just don’t get it. Life for them moves on and that’s great for them, but often for us it’s a daily battle.
All of that super fine circuitry within our brains has been disturbed. I often compare it to opening your computer box and throwing in a handful of alfoil flakes. What’s the result? You’d have short-circuits all over the place and that’s if the computer works properly at all and we have to manage this everyday.
For me symptoms fluctuate SO MUCH, no two days are ever the same. If they were the same we could put management tools in place to deal with it all but I never can tell what will happen from hour to hour, let alone day to day. “But you look OK…” Look OK? You want to have a look from this side. What they can see is minimal compared to what I’m trying to manage EACH AND EVERY DAMN DAY. People who haven’t been in this position honestly have no clue, so I just smile and try to battle through.

We know these battles because we have been there too.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

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