Post surgery symptoms

Hello, I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me? I just had surgery four days ago had a stent and coil procedure, I have a lot of bruising which I know can be normal on my thigh and groin area but I’m also having some burning sensation in my groin area. I was just wondering if that is normal? I put a call into my doctor and I’m just waiting for them to call me back.

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Firstly, congrats for the successful surgery results. You must’ve earned a lot of good karma points. :slight_smile: Always great for us to hear good news; thanks for sharing it.

Secondly, my bruise expanded significantly for a few days after my surgery, which initially surprised me. But my doc informed me that that was a normal response post op, and that it will contract after it expands some. It did exactly that.

No need to be unduly concerned. Time to bask in gratitude for the successful procedure.

@Peter, thank you for your reply. Yes, the surgery went well and I’m happy to get it behind me! And absolutely grateful to still be here. :blush: Is the burning sensation normal? It kinda comes and goes. Still waiting for the call back from the resident on call.

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I’ve had a couple different angiograms that did cause a burning sensation for a short time especially if I was sitting in a chair and not reclining or laying on the couch. When I got up and walked, the sensation stopped after a few steps. I think it had to do with the closure device myself as they changed the device used several times on my different angiograms. My Neurosurgeon said she may have nicked a nerve on the times I had the burning sensation. Please let us know what the Resident says.

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@Moltroub, The burning sensation doesn’t seem as bad today. And it seems to start when I’m up and moving around. It subsides when I sit down and put my legs up after awhile. Thankfully my headaches are bearable and just slight headaches now. It’s more more groin/thigh area that is really swollen and a very large bruise along with the burning sensation sometimes. The bruise seems to be getting better and I don’t think it’s as swollen as it’s been, so I’m grateful for that. I know it could be a lot worse. The resident returned my call and he said that the burning can be normal and just told me to keep an eye on that area. I have to go for the blood test tomorrow for the Plavix platelet test. I hope that will still be in the therapeutic range. I also have a pulsating, heartbeat sound that I’m hearing in my head at different times. Luckily it’s not too loud. I hope it will eventually get better. It can be somewhat annoying at times! Thank you so much for your reply. :blush: I appreciate all the info I can get. :two_hearts:

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Did you have a hematoma? I had one huge lump when the Resident didn’t put enough pressure over the closure device. I thought I was urinating on their brand new table. Dr Shaw said I was on a catheter but took a look. He immediately called Dr. Quintero-Wolfe over. That little sprite of a woman threw the Resident a few feet and did a handstand on my groin. The bleeding stopped but good God it hurt. It took a long time for that lump to go down. Once it did, the majority of pain went away. I think BH had to take me every couple of weeks for her to check it and my brain. That hematoma and the surrounding discoloration was larger than both my hands. It was the worse I’ve ever had with an angiogram, the others were about the size of a fifty cent piece.

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Yes I do have one. Today the burning sensation wasn’t as bad so hopefully it’s getting better. Another thing I noticed a few days ago was a sound I’m hearing in my head, maybe it’s like a pulsating sound. I don’t really hear it if I’m in bed not moving or if I’m just sitting, it’s when I get up and start moving around. Eventually it subsides. I hope that’s not anything permanent as it can be annoying. :roll_eyes::weary:

Everything for me eventually settled down, I always say you have to be patient to be a patient. It’s extremely true with our brains. I have read several members have had a hematoma and it was treated at the hospital before they were released. I can’t remember how they were treated but I find it interesting that some of us are just sent home whilst others get theirs addressed before they are discharged. Hematomas sure limit the weight that we are allowed to pick up. I wasn’t allowed to pick up a half gallon of milk for a couple weeks I think it was. One of the Residents called every evening to check on me. He waited until BH came home because my cognition and speech skills weren’t the best. BH had to measure it every time he called and write the measurements down for Dr, Q-W. When it finally decided to start going down and not grow bigger, he didn’t have to call anymore.

When I went in for a follow up right after the angiogram I told the new NP under Dr.Q-W and she blew it off. The first thing Dr.Q-W asked was if she had checked it. I was up on the table in a flash, not really, I was moving quite slow and had to take my britches off😂. That NP and I never got along,I missed her PA Mr. William who I adored. I was really happy when Dr, Q-W was allowed to hire her own NP, we get along really well. She always came in when I had an angiogram, the other couldn’t be bothered.

One time I had to get a full MRI for my spine, the Radiologist called Ms. Ryann when he told me about my neck and I got a bit upset. He couldn’t give me the shot he wanted to because of my allergies. Dr. Q-W nixed it. We asked a RN why it was taking so long, I was getting really antsy, One of the RN’s said he’d gone to lunch! I simply asked why he couldn’t have read them before we drove an hour to see him and then had to wait another hour past our appointment time. To top it all off he said I couldn’t leave. I told him I wasn’t a flippin prisoner. I must have scared him because Ms. Ryann was with us in about 15 minutes having come from the other side of the large hospital. I think I told her he was lazy, disrespectful and wasted our time. He could have taken five minutes to confer with Dr. Q-W before we drove 60 miles and just called me. He hadn’t even looked at my images until my appointment. It’s a good thing we didn’t have to come from Asheville or Virginia. I think I told Ms. Ryann the Radiologist and the hospital just wanted more money. Boy have I gone on a rant! But I do really care for Ms. Ryann who has excellent people skills.