Pain in legs after surgery


My sister had stent placed on her coiled aneurysm 5 days ago. Fortunately she is doing fine, except for she has pain in her legs. Is it normal? Should we be worried about it?



She is still in the hospital. I will ask her to talk to doctors about it. She wanted to wait.


Is it thrombosis in legs or brain vessel?



Thanks a lot Elke. I spoke to her and she is going to talk to doctor now about her pain.

It is hard that I am not with her this time. I am in Canada and she is in Russia. Over wise, I would make sure doctors are aware of all her symptoms.

Thanks again.

I will keep you posted.

Hi Irina,

My mom also has pain in her left leg (near the thigh). She had surgery on June 26th and she did fine. She is out of the hospital now and is home and not walking much. I am worried it is a blood clot?

I would definitely check up with your doctor on that; it is good she is doing well, but it is best to make sure she is not developing blood clots. I am also checking with my mom's doctor tomorrow regarding her pain. Best of luck to you.

Thanks. Her pain went away on it's own. I hope Heather your mom's pain will go away as well.

Thanks ladies for support.