Pipeline Stent did the trick!

YAY - had my 6 month follow up angiogram at Tampa General this morning and the aneurism is 100% gone!!! YAY. What fantastic news. Modern medicine is marvelous...and so are the neurosurgeons at Tampa General...e.g. Dr. Kan and Dr. Van Loveren. If you have a choice...the Pipeline Stent is the way to go!

I am so happy for you Amy!!! Another answered prayer!!

Congratulations Amy...this is super news...go out and do something nice for you ~ Colleen

Yea!!! I’m so happy for you and I, too, am a pipeline cheerleader!!!

Not sure what a pipeline is but you sound pleased so waheyyyyy! Xxxxxx lots of love from the uk!

Yay for the PED! Congrats to you - that must be a truly wonderful feeling!

That is absolutely fantastic news!!! I hope you’re feeling great too!