Pipeline Surgery Was a Success!

My pipeline surgery, it appears, was a success, thank the Lord!! My doctor's nurse said the procedure went more quickly than any she has seen. I had to lie flat for over 11 hours because the entry wound on my groin would not stop bleeding (darn blood thinners!), and I have had nausea and headaches in the past 3 days, but I can tell I am getting better every minute. I hope to go back to work Tuesday and move on with my life. This has been a trying ordeal, but I believe the pipeline is a miraculous discovery and I know meeting all of you has been a blessing!!!!

Praise the Lord. Glad things went so well. Don’t over due it.


That's great news! Ease back into work if you can. My experience of returning to work "full throttle" has not been very good. I'm back on leave because of frequent headaches/migraines and extreme fatigue. Just don't over do it!

Big Hug,


Woooooop Woooooop... congrats on the pipeline success.... Not sure what it entails but as like all our annie procedures it sure saves lives:) Now just try to rest a little, and get your breathe back and please make sure you get all bettered up before you go rushing back to work. Take it from one who knows, too much too soon can bite ya on the butt. Brain surgery is Brain surgery and deserves a little TLC and time to adjust.

Best Wishes


Congratulations Wendy...!

Wow...you are doing super...after being coiled and complications...it took me a few weeks to get on computer...I am so happy for you...now keep resting and don't overdo too soon...

Cyber~continued Healing your way...Colleen

Great News!!

Wendy, great news and take it easy. Rushing back into things will only make you sick. Thank the good Lord for we are all suvirors and have courage. I will be praying for you and I am glad to meet you.

Live, Laugh and Love, Amy


Congrats to another fellow pipeliner!!! As I said before, please remember to rest rest rest!!!! I tried to overdo it right after my surgery and it did come back and bite me in the butt.... HARD!!! I can't stress enough that you need to listen to your body and your lil hurt brain. In the forum somewhere is a posting that I made of A letter to your Brain. Please read it and heed its warning.

Hugs and congrats to you!!!!


You were all right in advising me not to overdo it: I took one extra day off (was still so tired yesterday), and I will take it easy when I return tomorrow. I’ve never been one for sitting around or napping, and I miss my job! Thanks for the words of wisdom, everyone!

Congratulations!!! Your recovery sounds remarkable, and clearly goes along with a remarkable spirit and attitude.

YAY!!!!!! LOVE those great stories!!!!

Awesome news Wendy!

Hi Wendy, I saw your post and was very excited to hear you are doing well! How do you feel now? Do you mind my asking how big your Annie was when they found it? I have a wide neck anneurism and have plans for a coil fuehrer but my doc didn’t mention the pipeline option- how did you contact the mayo clinic? Sorry so many questions!!! Thanks , Heather