
hi and thanks for the warm welcome!!! It was suggested I check this site out from my other brain buddies as we call ourselves in the Angiona Alliance group/organization/forum As I have/had a cavernomas angeionma . Since that I've told I have a 2mm aneurysm in my posterior communicating artery. YIKES! It was found looking for possible cavernomas or other issues related to that issues/seizures and then I received that call. Well here I am and I'm from the Detroit area/MI area.

Hi Cindy. Wish I had some advice for the nerves, they get me every time. I had a rupture that was coiled then another attempted coiling which ended up being a gluimg. My advice for any recovery is to listen to your body and rest when it needs rest. That is the biggest thing regardless of the kind of surgery, clipping or coiling. Take care

When I was first diagnosed mine was a two. Two is very small. Your Dr. Will probably watch and wait. Dr. Usually don’t fix until 6 or 7mm. Mine is now a 5mm. My next check is in December.
Good luck and welcome to the club. Even though its not a club you really want to join.

welcome my fellow survivor…so glad 2 have u aboard…prayers n love coming ur way…

HI Cindy,

Welcome to the Club! I have a 2mm annie in the right internal carotid artery at the ophthalmic artery which I'm on a watch and wait. I am also 3 months post op for a 9mm ICA ophthalmic artery annie for which the new pipeline stent was done in June, 2011, after the attempt to coil it failed. I also have an older sister who had a 6mm anterior communicating artery which was clipped about 18 months ago.

Best of luck to you in your upcoming journey!


Hi Cindy and Welcome to BAF...!

It is a very supportive site...IPrayers and Healing Thoughts out to you ... Colleen