New to this

I was just diagnosed a little over a week ago with a 2mm aneurysm on my coratid artery in my brain..I have my 1st appt with a nuerosurgeon in early September...what should I expect at this 1st appt?? I noticed many of you had an angiogram...will I need one too? (I also have a 9mm one on my renal artery) =/

Hi Kathleen, I went through pretty much the same experience earlier this year. In January I was diagnosed with a 3.5mm in the same area. My neurosurgeon recommended doing surgery and clipping. He didn't do an angiogram but I did have CT scans with and without the contrast. I guess everyone is different. Others on the site have been told they should just monitor the aneurysm to see if it's getting bigger and it also depends on your risk factors such as high blood pressure and family history.

This is a great place for support and to post your questions. Please let us know what the doc has to say. Best of luck to you. FYI I had my surgery in March and am doing fairly well. I struggle with some fatigue and memory issues but other than that I'm doing pretty well.

I smoke (I know I need to quit), I am on 2 BP meds, and my dad & aunt both passed from aneurysms...I will definitly let u know how my appt goes ...thank u for responding to me!! Hope you feel better {{hugs}}

Kathleen I had a cerebral angiogram before my Neurosurgeon would do the surgery. My NS was fantastic (I call him "my hero", I think my husband gets jealous). My NS said that he thought the only solution was the clipping but wanted to have the CA done to be certain. He was right and I needed the clipping. My annie was a little over 9 mm. The CA was not bad at all. I was afraid at first becasue you are awake through the procedure but you don't feel a thing. It was kind of cool in a way because it was like seeing fireworks inside your head (not sure that makes any sense). I had my clipping done on April 2. I have two clips on my left ophthalmic artery and one on my left carotid in my neck. I'm doing amazingly well considering. I have some pain and limitation but at this point I welcome them because they remind me that I'm alive and my brain in healing. Whatever happens you have to trust your NS above all else. If you are not comfortable with him/her, keep "interviewing" until you get the one who is right for you.

I seen a nuerosurgeon today..he said my anuerysm is behind my eye and that its in my carotid artery...he told me its small, and to have an MRA done in YEAR from now...what do u guys think????

Kathleen, As you aneurysm is relatively small risk of rupture is less but risk of growing is more.
I advice you to go with angio coiling ..

I have 3 aneurysms.

One 6mm and the other 2 are 3mm.

I wass told by my neuro sugeon in Austin that for any aneuryms under 5mm the risks of coiling are more

than the chance of rupturing.

I would like to hear from some of you if you heard something different.


Just curious....

Why did you have clipping as an option intead of coiling and setent?

My surgeon would coil at 3mm.....