Mra today to check coiling!

I am a tad bit nervous today about my MRA. I had a lot of vertigo and headaches after my coiling in 96 but they subsided. They have returned along with the vertigo. They had told me they would only check it for 5 years so i have skipped time here and there to kinda spread it out. I don't trust the 5 year thing. I saw on here where someone had recanalized after one in 95. I will continue to watch this thing past there 5 years. I have searched for their research and they mostly only watch 3 to 5 years on their data. I just am praying this thing has not opened up. UUUggggghhh! My mental state was so blowed by the original one. They had me watching the thing. 2 years of watching was enough for me and go my regular Dr. to refer me to someone else for a second opinion. So glad I did. Please keep your fingers crossed for me today!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

You have my prayers Linda that you receive good news...~

keep us posted...Cyber~thoughts and prayers your way...Colleen

Good luck with it all Linda, in my prayers and thoughts xxxx

I hope your results are all positive! I had first coiling in 98 and have had checks at 1 to 2 year intervals since. I am curious what you are on a 3-5 year check schedule?


Great news! It was all good. Thanks for the prayers. Tammy I was on a yearly but they moved me to 5 years today. I think they watched it so close because of the position and the stent. They dropped me to a baby aspirin today as well. I was so excited! It is a pure relief.

Wonderful News Linda...~ Congratulations...~

Cyber~hugs out to you...Colleen

Linda, this is great for you...

Many prayers for your continued success...
