MedicAlerts n Vitamins

Ok two odd questions since Im lying here unable to sleep.

  1. Do you wear a medic alert bracelet to alert health staff of your history? Like type of clip, allergies, etc? I live 60 miles from my hospital and often wonder if such a thing would help if something were to happen since I’m usually solo.

  2. My regular Doc put me on Vitamin B12 but I just noticed a comment somewhere that perhaps such a vitamin might be something to ask surgeon about? Well just thought I’d ask I’ll put it on list to ask my brain doc about.

Ok thanks…again. And sending you all good love vibes.

Hi There ~

You know, I think its a very good idea to have some sort of bracelet/necklace ( or at the very least a card in your wallet that details your aneurysm history and type of clip used, etc) ..i never gave it much thought til after I had a rupture while at work..had I not informed my fellow co-workers about my previous aneurysm, chances were good that the EMT's/hospital would not have known where to look or which way to go with me as I was unconscious (for the next 6 weeks in fact)! Another thing I found out, is when I went to have my lower back MRI'd, the Radiologist wouldn't touch me until i had written documentation from my previous surgeon that ascertained exactly what type of clip I had in my head. so yes, I think its a great idea to carry something on you at all times regarding the annie for the Vitamen B, i've not a clue. Take Care !


feelin the love sis, ty and {{{hugs}}} back , was that me about the b12?? lol I had wrote something on a fatigue post that I found all kinds of scary stuff re arteries ans b-12, but I asked my reg dr and he said it was ok. I am still leary so I break the pills in half- there was so many articles saying it weakens the walls of arteries it scared me yeah i'd ask the drs, we must look out for ourselves. A really weird one was a sinus/ allergy otc med that said do not drink juice with it!!!! Read the labels too, even the otc stuff is dangerous, I do not have a bracelet, I just carry my drs name and number in my wallet and they have all my info just a clik away- but hey that's just me~~

LOL! Wow Ron you're good. Yes I saw your comment and thought oh baloney one doc is trying to thin my arteries to bring more work in for the other doc. (smirk) But yep, I put that question on my list to take to my next visit next month. I have to make a better effort to eat more of my vitamins in food so I don't have to take the supplements. I am making myself a small card for my wallet with my Doc info too. Thanks for the reminder.

Oh thank goodness they knew! I looked around at the medic alerts and wow I was impressed. I only remembered those stretchy silver ones but now they have fancy beads and even USB plug in thingies that people put their angiograms and other data on. Whew! Fancy.

hi again Harleylena! if you think of it please let me know what they say about the b-12, I am curious to know what the nuero experts say,anyway you all are fantastic I luv this comraderie and interaction! , take care Bless you all and have a great weekend!

My medical history is much too long for the bracelets. I have typed up copies for my children, my wallet, and my workplace (which I am returning to part time beginning Tuesday!)

I always took vitamins, and asked my doctor if I could continue. He advised that I only continue my calcium tablets.

I sure will. My appt is in a month so hopefully I remember!

Oh interesting. Definitely going to ask my doc what he recommends if anything.

Oh good luck with returning to work Tuesday! Interesting on the vitamins...

Hi and I wear a bracelet due to medical history and allergies...also, I have a sheet in my purse and wallet...

It will never hurt to let your surgeon know and ask if B12 and/or any vitamins you take are ok for you...Colleen