Update on possible residual aneurysm

Met with my neurosurgeon, Dr. Liebman, who did my craniotomy and clipping in 2007 regarding the results of my CTA. He was optomistic that it probably is nothing but still wants me to have a cerebral angiogram. He will do it at Capital Health in Trenton where he now practices. So I will keep you all posted on the outcome. I am waiting for his office to call and schedule. I feel confident with Dr. Liebman doing the procedure since he was the MD. who is familiar with my history. Thank you all for being so caring. Donna


I was not familiar with your case, so I checked your blog and saw where the doc said you had a chance of a stroke. I think this is always so with angios, but is rare. If they are so concerned, I would ask about being given blood thinners, etc before the angio. During my surgery (coiling and stent) two weeks ago, I was on Plavix and 325 aspirin and they also gave me heparin during the procedure ( I was probably down to 0 clotting!!). I am still on Plavix and aspirin - the Plavix hopefully will be discontinued in 3 months, but I will always be on the aspirin.

Good luck, hope they schedule it soon - I know it is scary, especially since you thought the annie had been taken care of. After seeing the pics on the MRA and then the angio, the angio pics are so much more clear so I hope yours is just that - a blip not to worry about.


Hi Donna...please keep us posted...and I will keep you in my prayers...

Cyber~thoughts your way...Colleen

Had my cerebral angio on Friday. Everything was clear....no residual aneurysm found. What a great gift from God. Thank you for all of your prayers. My prayers are with each and everyone one of you every day. I am grateful for this second chance in life. Merry Christmas to all and a very healthy happy New Year....


This is delightful to read.

Hugs and prayers for your continued second chance. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Great news!!!! and Merry Christmas to you!

Great News Donna...Merry Christmas...!