Contrast dye what?

I'm sure I could google this, but some of you may be able to help with personal experience.

I'm allergic to the contract dye used in the scanning process. The found this out during my original recovery from SAH, and discontinued all contrast dye use after I broke out in hives.

I just had a one year MRI, and my neurologist could not see my aneurysm site because I have 3 clips there, and without the dye, it was impossible to tell what was what. (I didn't need that $1400 anyway, thanks).

Anyone else have this issue? Are you aware of any alternative scans that would give results? My surgeon was amazing - I'm a walking miracle. In terms of "after care", I feel like he sees me walking and talking, and is a little disconnected from the recovery/follow up aspect of it.

Thank you!

I think I read of another person with the same allergy in the JNF Support group. Ill check and let you know.
CAT scans won’t show them either.

What about an angiogram? Does that use dye? I’m googling it right now…

Sarge, I’m allergic to the contrast dye - I go anaphalatic. My Neurosurgeon pumps me up with prednisone the night before, starting 13 hours prior to procedure. I take my OTC Benedryl 30 minutes prior and carry my inhaler in with me for the procedure. One doc in training said I didn’t need all that, my Neurosurgeon suggested he go with my experience. She is great! I went anaphalatic on the last one I had, luckily we were all prepared. Pretty much everything takes care of the allergic reaction, my Neurosurgeon also keeps a couple needles ready for me - one is Benedryl, can’t remember what the other is, maybe epinephrine but that’s just a guess. They know when it’s happening because I start clearing my throat, then coughing. It helps to do relaxation breathing before they can get the shot in me.

Yes, angiogram does use dye . I should have known, I’ve had 5 of them.

Sarge, I was surprised by your telling of your MRI. I guess your clip is non metal? Unfortunately mine is metal and I can never enter an MRI machine nor be anywhere near it. If keeping company of someone who is using the MRI I'm escorted out of the vicinity in haste! I can recall my Neurosurgeon telling me there may be advances in the use of the MRI and maybe I will be able to enter one. As to the allergic reaction to the dye. I did have a rash after my first contrast Cat Scan during my initial tests and diagnosis. I don't remember anything after my very long Angiogram procedure. I don't think I had a reaction then. Of course maybe they too precautions after my first Cat Scan.

Thanks for sharing everyone! Moltroub you have more chutzpah in your pinky than I have in my entire body! I would be way to paranoid to allow them to use the dye again; but thank you for sharing your experience with me!

Dominic - my clips are titanium. Not sure what year they changed over. My Dad had a metal clip, and I was so used to him talking about never getting an MRI, I was terrified to get mine even though everyone (even Google) says it's safe. You'd think after emergency brain surgery I wouldn't be such a fradey cat, but I'm way more scared than I was prior to that roller coaster.

I have a different problem. Although my aneurysm clips are titanium, my neurosurgeon says they are from a batch that is impure, so stay away from MRIs. And in 2008, I had an endovascular graft put into my aorta to correct an aortic aneurysm, and that surgeon said definitely do not have MRIs.

David Andrus

I too have an allergy., I only get MRI's now which I've heard are more detailed than CAT's..........

I do have this issue. I found out I was allergic to dye [wasn't before] after the 2nd CT scan with dye that was the finding of my aneurysm and 48 hours later covered with a rash over 90% of my body. Tinactin spray helps!! The dye allergy can happen after menopause.

My doctor prescribed meds for the allergy prior to my coil and stent surgery as well as prior to follow up angiograms. I am sure your doctor should be able to do the same for you. This med prevents the allergic reaction and 100% effective for me. It is a steroid - don't remember the name but you should discuss with your doctor and surprised you didn't. Good luck.

Not sure my experience will help but I have platinum coils so can have an MRI/MRA. A facility I’ve used won’t do them with contrast so my doctor said have the facility do “time of flight”. I looked it up and the MRA time of flight is supposed to be as effective as an angiogram using contrast of course. I’m not sure this is good for someone that was clipped but thought I would share in case it’s an option for you. Good luck!

Sarge, I'm sure I know your Dads concern. I have this paranoia that I'll be in desperate emergency need for an MRI with no one around to tell the medical folks that I can't! You hear stories of what could happen. Even after all we've all been though, yeah you would think we wouldn't be fraidy cats!

I am also allergic to the contrast. My doctor gives me a prednisone taper for 48 hours before and then I am on a Benadryl drip after angio

Sarge...the only little thing I can think of to ask your ultrasound (US)...what (thus far I know from med experience) is that they have no dye (tho can possibly...another thing to ask) ...

They can measure the blood flow...or lack of it... so suggest you ask your neurodoc...

As for your reaction post long did it take b4 your hives began?

What drugs were used to offset contrast reactions?

Did your doc note anything on hyperintensities on the MRI?


You might want to get a medical alert bracelet or similar - it does the job to notify if you can't.

Dominic said:

Sarge, I'm sure I know your Dads concern. I have this paranoia that I'll be in desperate emergency need for an MRI with no one around to tell the medical folks that I can't! You hear stories of what could happen. Even after all we've all been though, yeah you would think we wouldn't be fraidy cats!

Hi, I had a mild allergic reaction to contrast dye during all the testing prior to my surgery. I've had three tests since then with the contrast dye and had no problems. I made sure everyone knew of my reaction and they prescribed a preparatory regime of prednisone and benadryl. Then they have people on hand in case I have a reaction during the procedure. It's my understanding that it all depends on the severity and type of reaction you have that determines what can be done to prepare.

Thanks everyone. My nuerodoc was a fantastic surgeon; obviously with a rupture I didn't have time to "shop around", but as for after care, he's very...non-worried. I assumed he could see what he needed to with the MRI, so I never thought of asking about other options. I shall get on the research bandwagon and look into getting treated for the allergy so I can have a clear scan. I deserve the peace of mind in knowing that my aneurysm site looks good (I didn't have a berry annie, so it took 3 clips and it's a very unique set up in there, or so my doctor tells me).

I asked in the other group and 2 people said that they received steroids before the procedure to help with the reaction to the dye. Best to talk to your neurologist.

I had a coil in December and 4 days after the procedure I broke out in a rash over 90% of my body and the doctors told me it could not be from the dye because it was so many days later. Personally,

I am not convinced that the procedure didn't have something to do with it because I wasn't doing or taking anything different than usual so when I go back in for another dye contrast in 3 months I am going to remind them of that because in general I tend to have allergies.

Sarge...what was the diagnosis of your aneurysm in size/shape, and artery segment?

Sarge said:

Thanks everyone. My nuerodoc was a fantastic surgeon; obviously with a rupture I didn't have time to "shop around", but as for after care, he's very...non-worried. I assumed he could see what he needed to with the MRI, so I never thought of asking about other options. I shall get on the research bandwagon and look into getting treated for the allergy so I can have a clear scan. I deserve the peace of mind in knowing that my aneurysm site looks good (I didn't have a berry annie, so it took 3 clips and it's a very unique set up in there, or so my doctor tells me).