Medical Alert jewelry?

Was at lunch today with friends, and told them about my diagnosis. When I mentioned my plans for Christmas (train trip halfway across the US to visit family), one of them suggested I get a medical alert bracelet or necklace, “just in case.”

What say you folks? Any of you with unruptured annies use medical alert paraphernalia? Since I live and travel alone, I’m thinking it might make sense.

Thanks …

Lana Mountford
Bellingham, WA

I agree!!

Going far from your own medical personal I would agree that is a good idea...

I got one when I became allergic to so many antibiotics but the list is too long it won't fit in the necklace so I have a paper in there that says before I recieve care this number must be called..Make sure that your doctor's name and number are on it!!

Have a safe trip!


I have an unruptured aneurysm and I ware mine everytime I leave the house.

Hi Lana, I had a ruptured annie and I have one and wear everytime I leave the house.

Thanks, Amy

I don't have one yet, but have thought about getting one. One company online has medic alert necklaces with flash drives on them, which I think is very cool!

I attended a HUGE dog show (5 days long in the Reliant Center in Houston) 2 weeks post crani this summer. I knew that my husband & I wouldn't be in the same place the entire time, so I typed up some basic info & put it on a lanyard just in case something happened while we were split up.

I stated that I had just had 2 aneurysms clipped and also had Gamma Knife for a 6 cm cerebral AVM a month prior to the craniotomy. I put my neurosurgeon's phone number, my family doc's phone number, my husband's phone number, and my in-law's phone number. (They live about 1/2 way between our house & Houston.) Ihad a disc with a copy of my MRI with my stuff in the grooming area.

I didn't need it--but I felt better having it, and it is still in my tote bag that goes almost everywhere with me.

Great Idea...infact, I think it is a must...Lana...I always say....better to be "safe then sorry"...

Hi Lana,

I don't have a bracelet, plus I don't wear jewerly on wrists or hands so I went to my local Petsmart and bought a pretty dogtag. Instead of pet info I posted having a aneurysm and please see my info in my wallet. Cannot get all info on the tag. The machine does a great job with the engraving. I just wore it around my neck under my blouse. Hope this helps & have a safe trip.
