How many of you feel there are more positives than negatives in your recovery?

Arline. I am so so sorry to hear of your losses.

Arline said:

I had my rupturned aneurysm on 10.11.12. I was air lifted to Orlando then on to Shands in Gainesville for surgery. Dr HoH, much respected and knowledgeable placed a vp shunt and clipped. My husband was told I probably would not survive surgery and if i did most likely spend rest of my life in nursing home. This news devastated my husband and he had a total break, this did not stop him from caring and working with me and continuing with rehab when i finally got home. Other than pains in head and neck and some memory problems i am doing well. Blessed not lucky! Due to my husbands break condition, he was diagnosed with PTSD and eventually given Paxil, three weeks on that drug and I lost my lover and best friend to suicide in July. One of the terrible things was that our grandson( his pride and joy) found him and tried to revive him. In meantime My mother fell and was in rehab home-eventually passed in October . Trying to recuperate but miss them both terribly. The three of us did everything together. Feel quite overwhelmed most of time. At present going to husbands psychologist for therapy which helps greatly he understands me and was totally shocked over suicide -said he showed no tendencies. Also go to support group for surviving family members of suicide-where everyone can relate to one another Don't know what my future holds-I just feel blessed but also lonely and scared.

You are a very strong woman. Keep with the support groups, friends will be there.

happy for you

Arline, I am so shocked and please accept our sincere condolences- I cannot imagine your devastation at this point in your life. Your aneurysm story is a lot like mine so I know the struggles all too well. I agree with Ivivi to stick with us and others who care. I kinda can relate, I lost my sister /caregiver a year ago, she took me for many many procedures bcause i'm permanently disabled and blind in the left sides of both eyes and cannot drive. But thank God I can walk a little and get around, tc feel free to write xoxo


Yes, Ronk many of us have lower vision problems and cannot see well enough to drive.

Still, we must assert ourselves and get help to drive us where we want to visit. I can

tell you will keep trying and trying to improve your life.

Arline, I happy overwhelmed that you keep trying to get better. You experienced some tough

setbacks in your recovery. Keep chatting with us. We are all behind you.

Hi again Ronk, I better as a person in many ways. 1) I came to Christ right after the aneurysm

blew. I feel comfortable praying when I get depressed. God always listens to me and makes

me relax. 2) I am more physically fit. I swim two to three times a week and walk up the current

in the pool. I also lift weights and walk a lot. 3) I am a writer. I have had one novel published

and it's available at under Daniel Gallik 4) I try to help others by listened to them and

giving them positive advice 5) I realize really how much my wife loves me. She has stuck with me

through thick and thin for 40 years!

thanks Daniel, lol we couldn't be more different! i'm not married and I tried the pool but didn't like it and could not put my head under water. Still I will try to remain hopeful I will find my better qualities down the road. remember we are a new creature after being born again- I guess that's why you feel more transformed positively than I ? thanks again tc

Yes, your patience will help you. I do not know what new, more important things will come

into your life. But they will come. And I am sure you feel different since your emergency

occurred. Everyone is an individual. So, there is no way that I would know what good things

will happen or when they will happen to you.

one thing which i'm better than pre sah, I am more understanding and patient when dealing with others thanks for helping me see the light!!

Super! It's nice to know you can be very kind to others dealing with sadness!

ronk said:

one thing which i'm better than pre sah, I am more understanding and patient when dealing with others thanks for helping me see the light!!

Very very kind words Daniel......I just learned last night that Sharon Stone suffered what we had in 2001 she had to lean to walk, hear, learn all over again. Google her and her words are ours .....You ROCK Daniel starting this discussion. I find the more I talk about it the better I get.

Daniel Gallik said:

Thanks Caroline! You are definitely giving yourself a great life. I want you to know you are

a great woman!!

Yes, thanks to you, Daniel. I feel so much better about myself and my situation from the conversation of the past couple of days. I try every day to be positive. 2015 is the year that I am removing negative people and negative thoughts from my life. Negativity just brings you down, even if you are having a good day. Thanks to everyone for participating, and letting us all know we are not alone.


Please accept my condolences for your losses. I also had lost my best friend and husband by suicide, so I can understand how vulnerable that makes you as the survivor.

I agree with the others for their encouragement that you come to this site to communicate with others. Although each of us may be unique in our stories, they all have similarities, which resonate with each person. We understand what others are feeling and that is a big, big plus. There is not a doubt that we have experienced something never anticipated and it shapes us and our lives. As you can read in the stories, there all all levels of what I refer to as "souvenirs-from our experience. However, I can also perceive the amazing strength that prevails. I once remarked to a doctor that I should get paid for recovery as it is the hardest job I have ever had and it goes on and on. He understood what I meant, but then reminded me that I was not thought to have been able to survive what I did, let alone somehow thrive, so considering the base from which I had to rise, little else really could be expected. There was no magic pill to give to make everything go back to how it was.

I can sense you are a strong person. Draw on that. I have grown in my faith from this experience and although Jim is no longer alive, I try and live each day to its fullest. He did not do that in his later days, and I vow not to let a day go by without trying my best to see its beauty. I also think I feel his presence pushing me to do that as he understands it was something he should have done. If anything I think we all come away with a greater appreciation of life and a knowledge that it can end. Honestly, I do not think I really had thought too much about that. I do not dwell on that, but I certainly understand it. I have developed a greater patience with people and circumstances that once might have annoyed me. There are many times when I look back on that day and think "well, that was a first and interesting." Had I reacted as I once might have done, I would have missed the experience and what a shame.

Arline, I wish you many blessings.

Arline said:

I had my rupturned aneurysm on 10.11.12. I was air lifted to Orlando then on to Shands in Gainesville for surgery. Dr HoH, much respected and knowledgeable placed a vp shunt and clipped. My husband was told I probably would not survive surgery and if i did most likely spend rest of my life in nursing home. This news devastated my husband and he had a total break, this did not stop him from caring and working with me and continuing with rehab when i finally got home. Other than pains in head and neck and some memory problems i am doing well. Blessed not lucky! Due to my husbands break condition, he was diagnosed with PTSD and eventually given Paxil, three weeks on that drug and I lost my lover and best friend to suicide in July. One of the terrible things was that our grandson( his pride and joy) found him and tried to revive him. In meantime My mother fell and was in rehab home-eventually passed in October . Trying to recuperate but miss them both terribly. The three of us did everything together. Feel quite overwhelmed most of time. At present going to husbands psychologist for therapy which helps greatly he understands me and was totally shocked over suicide -said he showed no tendencies. Also go to support group for surviving family members of suicide-where everyone can relate to one another Don't know what my future holds-I just feel blessed but also lonely and scared.

I think that questions can be answered in regards what stages you are in recovery. Once I realize something had happen to me ( not knowing initially what) I didn’t know about a negative or positive…I was just trying to survive. As I began rehabilitation I did not see it as good…I was angry and very disappointed and could not understand why this happen to me. As time move forward and I returned home with family and friends support me… my emotional state stayed pretty much the same for most of year. Later, after my second surgery I was a little more conscious of what I was going through and I began to pray more than ever. Music helped sooth my soul and my spirit began to lift. It has been almost 2 1/2 years I still have challenging moments…socializing , memory issues , completing a thought or sentence but what I do more of is say to myself…Thank God you are here…which is instrumental in my positive recovery. Thank you for sharing!

beautiful account much like mine but I had a lot more why me I suspect. My saving Grace was radio and tv sermons, they really gave me strength and hope!! tc xoxo

22 years? That is inspiring. All I have been thinking about is how long will I be around? please share advice, tips, etc with me so I can hopefully have the number of years in recovery as you do. Thank You!

It was my wife who had the ruptured aneurysm and not me. I would say her recovery (in 2012) was totally positive in that the alternative was that I would have lost her. As I write this we have just completed an Alaskan cruise to celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. There was a time when I thought we would never again do anything like this, but we did, and it was a special time for us both. She has some trouble with her left leg but can walk quite well. Her emotions are less controllable, but that's ok. Her recovery has been very good, and we are thankful.

It’s been almost 24 years since my aneurysm. It was rough the first few years after, but now, with family and friends by my side, there is nowhere to look but upwards! Keep strong! It’s hard, but so worth loving the life u have!!:heart:

Thanks Laura. That’s great. Really inspiring feedback