How fast should surgery be when your diagnosed with a unruptured aneurysm?

Hi Wendi,

I was having headaches associated with my aneurysm and it's size was 5.6 when glued with onyx hd 500. It began at 3.5, but grew extremely fast in 14 weeks which is when I had the surgery. The headaches just drained all my energy. My neurosurgeon now says that aneurysms do cause headaches. My annie is in the right ICA above the opthalmic artery. I have what I call "stinger" head pain that is in the area of the annie. I had headaches before discovering the annie.( I thought it was sinus, allergy). I had a double vision episode that sent me to the hospital for testing when it was discovered. I just had my 6 month angiogram and the annie looks great and no more resident annie's found. Yay!

You are blessed that it was found before it ruptured and you have a plan to correct. The surgery is not that bad, at least, the less invasive that go through the femoral artery. You are in the hospital one night and home the next. I wanted to get my surgery done as soon as possible for my own peace of mind.


mine is located behind my right eye. ICA. Doctor also told me it was in hard place to reach.

Hello Wendi. It looks we have the same situation. I had mine left supraclinoid internal carotid artery ( behind my left eye). I just had mine coiled 2 weeks ago. I had 5-6 mm as well. Clipping is not my option. The procedure was fast, only 2 days in neuro ICU then discharged home. I am still recovering, some pains here and there but at least now it’s treated.
I found out my Annie last first week of October then got surgery first week of December . We did couple test before surgery. I had cerebral angiogram first to determine how many Annie I have and the exact location, after 1 week they did CTA to determine what treatment the best for me. You can wait and get 2nd opinion. For my opinion , I rather get treated than thinking that you will never know when it will rupture. I will include you in my prayers. Please keep us posted. We are all here to support you.


My 10 year old son was diagnosed with a 26 mm aneurysm in January 2011. It was unruptured. Went went to WVU Hospitals in Morgantown, WV in February. (several times) They ran several tests on him. They called us back in late February and our doctors 1st response was "so what do you say we do his surgery in July?" We about fell to the floor. So we kinda showed our displeasure with July and he came up with May instead. They said that "since he was unruptured and NOT an emergency, they had plenty of time to formulate a precise plan to deal with the aneurysm". Hope this helps.

an aneurysm was discovered behind my left eye when my eyelid drooped last month. the neurosurgeon decided to coil it after the weekend. i was terrified knowing that thing was in there and now i had to wait until the end of the weekend to have it fixed!?!?! he didn't feel it was an emergency and wouldn't rupture over the weekend and he was right. i wouldn't wait long though. i think docs forget these things are in our heads and they have no idea how we feel or the fear we deal with.

best wished to you for an easy surgery and recovery.

" They Say " that ice pick headaches have nothing to do with annies "They" must be wrong . I didn't have one single ice pick headache until after my annie ruptured . The headaches I get now are much different than before .

Hug your family A LOT!! Hugs,kisses & tons of “I love you’s” talk to all your family and friends & read my story.

Thanks for all your info.Iam scheduled to have my surgery coiling on Feb. 9 2012 ? I hope I can make it that long?

Iam so very sorry what happened to your mother. That is so horrible.My dad died two years ago very suddenly as well.I will be praying for your healing in all this. They scheduled my coling for feb 9 2012? Now after reading your story Iam very scared of having it done! Dont know what to do now? Iam 42 and have a 7 year old little girl and twin daughters that just turned 19...very happily married to the love of my life...just dont know what to do?

Did you have any pain from the angio? or coiling ? Iam so scared to have this surgery!! Mine will be feb,9 2012. Did you have a second or third opinion from other doctors?

How was your coiling? Did you have any pain with angio or surgery? My surgery will be on feb,9 2012

Oh wow that was very scary I bet? Did he have the coiling? How did he do through everything? Mine is scheduled for Feb.9,2012.Iam scared of the pain? Was he having any symptoms?

wendy - please try to remain calm. it's very important that your blood pressure remain stable. i was on xanax and blood pressure meds to keep my bp low. have you been given any meds for that?

and i understand completely. i am 42 as well and i have a 25 y.o. son, a 9 y.o. son, 4 y.o. boy/girl twins and a 1 y.o. grandson. i wasn't ready to check out. can't say i'm happily married but i do have something to live for.

it sounds as if you have a loving husband and will have a wonderful support system.

i'll be completely honest with you as i was unprepared for what i was was fixin' to go through;

i was awake for the procedure and it's very scary. i didn't feel anything initially but lying there on that bed w/solid x-ray machines in my face and on both sides of my head was very intimidating. i did feel the coiling go into my brain but in comparison to living w/a time bomb in my head, it's small taters. keep in mind; my experience may very well be drastically different than yours so please don't stress about everyone else's stories. i'm only telling you what happened to me so you'll be somewhat prepared. also, something broke loose in my brain during the procedure which made the surgery go differently than it would have had it been cut and dry.

you will have to lie flat on your back in the icu for quite awhile and they will keep you medicated to help w/the headache. don't be afraid to call for the nurse if you begin to hurt because you shouldn't have to feel anything. my nurse wouldn't let me go w/o morphine even when i said i was fine. she ensured i was medicated so i wouldn't feel pain.

the most important advice i can give you is to have plenty of help lined up for afterward. the recovery at home has been the absolute worst for me but it's more due to my home life than the surgery itself. also, my surgeon didn't prepare me at all for how i'd feel afterward. you will have headaches, you will feel weak and nauseous and you won't quite be yourself for awhile. when i say weak - i mean as weak as an invalid. see, your brain will be healing from the damage done to it during the surgery. a damaged brain takes every ounce of energy your body has to heal itself. make sure your surgeon gives you a good supply of pain meds for the headaches. my surgeon would only give me this barbituate (?) w/caffiene that made me vomit or ibuprofen which tore my stomach up. i had to BEG for hydrocodone which was the only thing that worked for me. they made me feel as if i were a drug seeker and it pissed me off that i had to beg for meds and remind them they just went up in my brain. when i finally got ONE refill of hydrocodone, the pressure on the left side of my head finally eased and i didn't even need the meds anymore. irony!! lol!!

it can take MANY WEEKS to get back on your feet so please don't rush yourself to be back to normal. my coiling was done nov 14th and i'm still not completely on my feet. i am sitting at our desktop replying to you which is a major step for me as prior to today, i was bed ridden and using my son's laptop.

just know that your aneurysm was found - many are never given the chance to have it fixed as they were never diagnosed. that can only mean you're going to be just fine!!

I want to Thank you so much for all your information !!! You are such a kind and care ing woman to be up typing me a long letter like you did!!! I think of you all the time and all your advice!! I've been out of town for a few days. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate ALL your wonderful advice on your story!!! God bless you Kathy and may God always keep you safe and healthy!!

Thanks for your Reply...yeah that sounds pretty crazy kinda what you went through, but I hear your son is doing wonderful,now!!! Iam so happy for your son and your family!! May God bless you and your son.

you're welcome friend. i hope all goes well for you!!

I didn’t mean to scare you. It’s just that your post was all to familiar, my Moms doctor told her the same statistics. I think everyone should be prepared for everything(the best you can). We weren’t, I apologize.

could you explain ice pick headeaches and which cranial nerves are involved and what can be done for them ?? I Have them ..and would love any help !! thax cathy propp

Well…it’s a sharp pain lasting about anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds in my temples,not behind my eyes.Usually on just one side,when it happens.I have to hold the side of my head while it happens.It just lasts for a few seconds,then another one right behind it,then another maybe lasting for 5 or 6 seconds? I’ve had them all my life,off and on.I’am now 42.Doctors say that it has nothing to do with my Annie behind my eye? They say they could be just stress induced! Hope that helped you.May God bless you. I just take motrin for them.

Colleen, Did they know yours was leaking or was it discovered during the surgery?