Eyebrow eyelid drooping; forehead paralysis

I had a clipping done almost three weeks ago. The bruising is fading but I haven't seen any reduction in the eyebrow, eyelid drooping and forehead paralysis. Has anyone experienced this and if so can you please let me know how long it took to go away? Also, does anyone know where I can get information on this topic?


My clipping was 3 1/2 years ago and my frozen forehead and eyelid droop never went away. I was able to get the brow and eyelid repaired earlier this year and they look pretty great.

My surgeon said for many people the nerves do regenerate, I was just not one of them.

You are very son after surgery so be patient you have lots of healing to do.


Thanks Laura. Glad you were able to get it repaired. What kind of doctor repaired it?

He is an ocular plastic surgeon. Specializes in eye area work and understands all involved in this area. Don't see anyone else.

A regular plastic surgeon just wanted to do a lid lift and the droop in the eye was actually from the forehead brow area. My numbness goes all the way to the top of my head.

They would not consider any type of surgery until the three year mark with me, just to be sure that things weren't going to regenerate.

All the best to you.

Hi redyellow,

I first must say, great recovery from a clipping surgery. Lol...I would have been unable to type on my computer during my week 3. I had the very similar eye issues after surgery; eye swollen, completely shut, very bruised. My eye didn't open until probably week 3-4.

I saw my Neurosurgeon at week 6 for post op follow up appointment. He told me that the eye takes from 3-6 months to return to normal functioning. However, he said at any time he would refer me to NeuroOpthamalogist if I wanted to have an appointment regarding the eye. I am in week 9 and it has really improved with the drooping, swelling and paralysis.

I also called the office many times during my recovery and spoke to his nurses who really walked me through my eye issues. I actually made a list of my concerns during recovery and spoke about all my concerns to the Neurosurgeon during follow-up Post Op appointment.

Thank you Laura, you are exactly on track with the recovery being slower. I completely agree!!! Every week things get better for me. I thank God!!

Wonderful recovery pace Redyellow. Please keep us posted with how you are feeling. This website has wonderful supportive people that have helped me so very much.



Seem like my droopiness is getting worse, not better. I see my surgeon in a couple of days and I will ask. I know I am early in the game but just want to be prepared. Question for you. Was the surgery done to correct the droop covered by insurance or was it considered cosmetic?

Hey redyellow,

Totally covered by insurance. There was a lot of documentation prior. Like Sal said, I saw the neuro ophthalmologist for three years before I was "released" from her care and she made the referral to the ocular surgeon.

Do you have double vision? That was also a problem for me for about 3-4 months after clipping.

There is so much healing still to be done over the next year. Please be patient and take good care of yourself and try not to worry to much about this.


Thanks Laura. I do not and have not had double vision. Thank goodness.

I have a frozen forehead on the right side (left side still has the wrinkles, right side is now wrinkle free - lol), right eyebrow is much lower than the normal left one, right eyelid is swollen and covers almost half of my eye, parts of my scalp are numb.

So did your side effects get better over the 3 years?

No mine did not get better over time. Top of my head is still numb, no wrinkles on right side of forehead, and eyebrow and lid drooped. Doctor said the brow and lid drooped because of the loss of nerves on that side, so the fix was a brow lift and a lid tuck.

Hang in there you are still barely out of surgery.

I met with the neurosurgeon today for first post op appointment. He was surprised at my droopy forehead, eyebrow, eyelid. He said that he rarely sees that anymore. Anyway, he expects it will self correct in 3 to 6 months but does not guarantee it. I go back to see him in 3 months. Anyway thought I'd give an update on my situation.

Hi Red/yellow,

Thanks for the update. Other than the droopy forehead is your surgeon happy with your recovery? Hang in there. Please try not to worry about it to much. Happy thoughts coming your way.


Hey Laura,

Yes, Dr said with exception of droopiness, recovery is normal. Thanks.

Hi Redyellow!.

I have been following your post because I had my clipping around the same time as you did mine was the 17th of October. I had a MCA unruptured aneurysm clipped. Also I had a very swollen right Side specially the eye which remains half closed. Just wondering if you would mind swapping a picture to compare our progress, today I turned 4 weeks after operation and won’t see my neurosurgeon ultil December. I hate my droopy eye. :frowning: Private message is fine if you are keen.

Hope you are well…


Hi Naya, what a good idea to swap pics. I just took a picture with my phone, lets see if this works.

270-CAM00070.jpg (22.8 KB)

Thanks Redyellow, thank you for that, where was your incision? I can see more clearly now when you talk about the eyebrow, I think my main issue is the eyelid, it was MUCH worse and improving everyday until last week… But now I haven’t had any changes for 7 days.
Will attach a pic here too, this is from today, 4 weeks after surgery… My incision was in the front, all the way from the ear to past half my head, I am just able to hide it with hair very well.
267-image.jpg (88.8 KB)

Thanks for the pic. You look great. Yes I see it is just your eyelid. My incision was in the front too, from mid ear up about 4 inches. I had chemotherapy last summer so I lost my hair. It's growing back but not nearly enough to cover the incision yet.

I'd be interested to hear what your surgeon has to say. When is your appointment in December?

Hello, did anyone mentioned that from now, when getting your eyes checked, we need to go to an Opthomoligist Neuro who's especilized. I noticed that after going for my eye test for new license in new state, when it came time to see the flashing lights, I was having a hard time. They said that for some, our peripheral vision can be effected. I just went for my exam and the tests done were quite different that what I've had before.

I'm due back in 2 weeks where he will check my lids again, I guess I too have a little drooping on my left lid, but have had it for a few years, now it makes me wonder if it was due to the annie I had and didn't know it.