
I am 13 days post op from a coiling and I feel more emotional that I did before the coiling. I know depression is common and I feel like I am on a slippery slope. Can not pin point to any issue I just cry for not know reason.

Hi Jane...you said it...you are only 13 days post op...truthfully, we don't know the parts of the brain that are touched...and it seems that after the surgery along with all the medication and general anesthesia in the hospital leads to a lot of emotional breaks the first few weeks...often I feel it gets worse before better...it is time to do things to help you through...watch a good funny movie, read a book, meditate, pray...whatever it is that will ease the awful feelings...perhaps you need more rest...this journey is definitely a work in progress...and does get better with time...~ Thoughts out to you ~ Colleen

Hugs. Thank you for sharing. I went through very roller coaster emotions. I did cognitive therapy and medication at different points. Be gentle with yourself.

Hi Jane. My doctor prescribed 5 mg Lorazapam for me right before and after my coiling/stent. It did help me get over the hump.

13 days is really early in your recovery - you just had brain surgery!! A friend of mine told me 1 1/2 years after my surgery that I really looked good again. I asked her what she meant and she told me that when she saw me 6 months after the surgery that she was really worried because I just didn't look or act well. (I was really glad she didn't tell me this then) I was extremely fatigued afterward and if I didn't collapse when it came over me, I got pretty emotional too. I hope you are able to relax and sleep when you need to - it took me a few months before the fatigue got a lot better. I probably spent more than 50% of my time sleeping that first month. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Hi Jane, I know how you feel. I’m a survivor of a ruptured aneurysm. Post surgery, I had all the mixed emotions, you had and more. It’s been 2 years since aneurysm, and sometimes I still get emotional and depressed. But I’m able to handled it
much better. It goes with the territory, aneurysm surgery is a life life altering event. And with the help of my BAF family.i am able to coped. Jane, it’s been only been 13 days post op, remembered you just had brain surgery! One day at a time. My thoughts,and prayers are with you for a smooth recovery.