11 days post coiling surgery.... supposed to go to work tomorrow :(

Hi -

I haven't been on here much since my coiling. I've been trying to rest and gain back my energy. I had it done on June 12th and I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, just 12 days after my coiling.

At first, I had horrible headaches and no pain meds really helped. The dr. put me on a Medrol dose pack that I just finished and the steroids did help with the inflammation that was making my headaches so bad. My head hurts on and off now but, nothing like a few days ago.

My groin is still really sore and I have trouble walking for too long or sitting for too long. I have a pretty large lump there that was cause by a hematoma so, it's actually bothering me more than my head right now.

I am wondering what type of "mental" effects any of you had after your coiling. Mine was unruptured and according to the dr, i should be pretty much fine now. However, I'm having issues now that are more emotional than anything else.

I have been very sad and could cry at the drop of a hat for days now....almost like post partum depression/baby blues in a way. I went on Wednesday to the Aneurysm support group here and I started crying in front of the group. They all made me feel like I wasn't crazy but, I felt so embarrassed and weird for having done that.

I have been getting out some each day also to ease my way back into work. I didnt want to sit home for 12 days and then throw myself into a day at work. However, when I'm out, I find myself getting really anxious and uptight feeling if there's a lot of noise, like in restaurants. I went the past few days with friends to Chilis and Cheesecake Factory. Each time, I had to take an Ativan because all the loud talking/many voices/music, etc made me feel so anxious!!! Stuff like that never bothered me before!!!

I also have been having trouble concentrating on things. I was in a store with a friend yesterday and almost started to cry because they had 2 sales.... One was a $3 sale and the other was 75% off. Of course, I could normally figure out what the better deal was but, I just didn't have the patience to do it and then that upset me because I couldn't automatically figure it out.... UGH!!!!!!

i didn't think i'd have issues like this. I know that a lot of these things could be common when people have ruptures or clipping surgery.

Is this normal?? Is it something that will just take some time to pass?? I'm really scared about being able to deal with going back to work full time tomorrow :( I will have a lot of backed up work and a lot of things I need to concentrate on.....not to mention all the noise in the office!!

Just typing all this is making me want to cry :(

The dr. would have given me another week off but, I don't have much time saved up and can't afford to be out without pay....so, I need to give it a shot and at least make it a 1/2 day

My neuro surgeon suggested I see my primary care dr. for the "ups and downs" and I did. She gave me klonopin to take instead of ativan if needed because it's longer acting. But, I can't be asleep at work either. She also gave me an antidepressent. She thinks this will all get better in a few months but, I'm just having a really hard time right now!

Also, to add to this, my husband (who i met at work 18 years ago) is leaving for a better opportunity and this is his last week at work with me. It's definitely better in a lot of ways for our family and I'm glad he's doing it but, it's also making me really sad and I'm worried i'm just going to break down at work knowing it's his last week there. So many changes all at once :( Not a good time for this to be happening :(

If you made it through this novel, thank you!! I'd love to hear any stories of similar feelings, experiences, etc.....


Hang in there Lor! Its a very emotional rollercoaster we all go through. I am coming up to my one year mark next month and I am still going through everything you are experiencing. Some days are better than others :) Just take one day at a time and dont over do it! Thoughts and prayers for your first day back! I know you can do it! <3


Thank you so much Kory! I'm not glad you went through these things but, it does help to hear that it's not "just me" and that it's a normal part of the process. Did you have a rupture or unruptured annie?

Awe Lori, I am sorry that you are going through all of these emotions all at once. It seems that rather coiled or clipped we all go through these emotions. I am glad your husband will at least be there this week with you.

I am also having the same issues with noise in stores and restaurants. I get an anxious and panic feeling. And forget numbers. I have a heck of a time with numbers.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers this week Lori as you transition back into the routine of working. I also hope that your coworkers are patient and understanding with you.

God bless,
~ Carol

(((Lori))) I hurt for me...all your emotions and feelings are so normal...and I know it doesn't seem it now...but it gets better but takes time...esp the not being able to deal with noise, light, etc., that took me over 1 year to deal with and I am still not the best...I hate that you have to go back to work already...don't overdo and if you aren't feeling good...go home...I am sending out positive vibes your way and wishing you a good day back to work...~ Colleen

hi lori! I made it thru the novel!! I hope and pray theres a sequal with much better content for you! Wow this is a toughie--but it will get better -all the difficulty is good practice-it makes us better and stronger--ie, restaurants and stores are way more doable now, the bright lights are not as bothersome etc etc. Its amazing how similar I am to the non ruptured- I guess damages have the same effect. I have a feeling you will surprise yourself and the day will zip right by! You're great feeling of accomplishment will overshadow any negatives,Try to think positive- you CAN do it! My heart goes out to you and the others who are returning to work so im keeping you in thoughts and prayers that your co-workers are compassionate and thoughtful to make your return smooth and enjoyable--let us know how you made out!~~

Hi Lori!. I had one anni clipped in Jan. I was emotional, and my memory, was vague, and I had major confusion, forgetfulness, and fatigue. Because I was also diagnosed with lymphoma, I did not return to work. In April, I was treated for my cancer, and am now in remission.. On Nay 17, I had a stent put in it went behind my left eye . I was not in much pain til about 12 days after the stinting. The headache I got put me back in for 2 days. It was beyond migraine pain. Was released 2 days later with the promise that it would let up, only Tylenol for pain. 2 weeks. @ very long weeks. The pain was unbearable. I slep t 18 hrs a day. After 2 weeks, went to the stabbing pains. The more fatigued I am, the more I get.I too am very confused!

Returned to work as a store mananger part time. Am so anxious to jump back in full throttle, I know That will not be for a while. Hang in there. Do what you can. Don't over do it. May you continue your healing.

Hi Lori,

I hope that things are going well for you and that going back to work was an easy transition. My 19 year old daughter Sarah also faced some pretty emotionally challenging days following her aneurysm clipping and following stroke nearly 7 months ago.

Sarah continues to work hard with physical therapy sessions and various exercises at home to improve the use of her left side which was left paralyzed after her stroke. She is also determined to have fun and enjoy life and the other night went to a Justin Beiber concert and had a great time with her friends, although there was a lot of walking involved. Just a few months ago she was in a wheelchair, so this is really a great sign of improvement in her recovery.

I talked to her doctor a few months ago about her emotional disposition, which included a lot of frustration and anger. He prescribed Zoloft for her, which she takes daily and this has dramatically improved how she feels. One of her biggest problems now is that she cannot sleep through the night and wakes up full of energy. I stay up with her to keep her company and we sometimes only get a few hours of sleep as we usually have busy days. Our doctor said that after brain surgery, your brain is never quite the same and likened it to being put into a blender and all shaken up by the stress that it has endured from the surgery and that emotions don’t always land in the right places. I know that everyone is different and people react differently to different things, but I would encourage you to talk with your doctor and hopefully your doctor will find the best type of solution to help you feel better soon. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue to recover.
