Coiling of right. Internal carotid artery

Hello everyone I’m new to this wonderful site .My aneurysm did not rupture thank god,but after my surgery that I just had I have a lot of different symptoms has anyone else had this surgery for an un ruptured aneurysm that was 5.4 mm

Jeanmarie, I just had coiling and stent for two unruptured aneurysms on the right internal carotid artery. My surgery was last Thursday. I went in for coiling of a 5.9mm aneurysm, and the doctor found a second aneurysm during the coiling procedure. The second aneurysm was 4 mm and close to the original aneurysm. The dr placed a stent that covers both aneurysms. I am at home recovering, feeling pretty good, but not 100% yet.

Are you getting headaches and does noise bother you do you get tired real fast

Yes, noise bothers me a lot and I can’t stand the smell of anything (good or bad). I have a bit of a headache, more like my head feels a bit heavy on the right side. I haven’t done much, so not really getting tired, but I have read that fatigue is a symptom. The other thing that seems strange, is that I expected that I would be sleeping a lot, but I don’t seem to be able to sleep in the daytime, and nighttime is hit or miss.
When did you have your coiling?

I had mine on 10/18/12 and my headaches are so bad and noise goes right thru me and as soon as I do anything dishes ect I’m exhausted the neurologist I saw after my surgery said he wanted me on steroids for a few days after my surgery I wound up in ER because of headache and vision problem I stayed in hospital 3 more days so that dr also sent me one with pain killers and told me if the headaches continued to make appt with him

I have said this to other members but I’m so happy that I’m not crazy and other ppl are having symptoms like me I just thank god that we are all here to discuss it we are all truly blessed

Oh, so you’re 1 week ahead of me on your recovery. I hope your headaches go away soon. I’ll check in on you tomorrow. Take care! :slight_smile:

Hi Jeanmarie,

I had the coil for a rather large aneurysm in late 2006..turns out, according to my new Neuro doc, that if you get the coil then you're to have frequent follow-ups with MRI's, and he stated that it wasn't unusal to get these followups every 2 or 3 months in the 1st year, stretched out to every 4 months in the 2nd year after the coil, and so on. I found this out only AFTER my coil had failed ( whereas I wound up having to get a craniotomy to fix the 2006 aneurysm in feb 2010! ) I personally had no obvious symptoms of headaches,double vision, etc., and only realized there might be a problem relating to an anuerysm when I suddenly had a horrid pain inside my skull, which dropped me to the floor , and sure enough, that pain I'd felt was my failed coil and my aneurysm getting bigger and bigger. One thing that I was shocked to find out is that the coil has a failure rating of % 25 ! (Yikes ! 1 in 4 ?!) Please be sure to be persistant with your medical care! I now actually have my own CD of all my MRI's and procedures, and won't hesitate to insist on certain things like getting an MRI done when/if I think I might have a problem on my hands. I've been thru the ringer with 2 cranitomy's to date, 1 failed coil and a shunt that they said i'd have to have forever (which is now gone, thank God) -- I've had some excellent doctors, and i've experienced some of the worse--just please be sure to insist on followups !! (And Lupe I just read your posts--get your follow ups !! )

Hi, Jeanmarie! How are you doing today?

I got out of the house yesterday and again today. That seems to make a difference. I am feeling pretty good today!

Hi lupe
That’s great that you got out today I’m actually having my first headache free day lets hope it lasts I will check with you tomm and also give you updates be well and great job on your recovery keep up the great work!!! :slight_smile: