Clipping on the right sode for 2 annies done pn the right sode

I have had unbelievableain everyday since surgery along with stomachrob'e,s? I feel like going to the ER everyday for help. I am not doing good this time. The first clipping on the left was in Sept and was an easy recovery. I am truly disappointed by the lack of help for me. I feel horrible every day. Please tell me if any of you have dealt with this. I ready to get a second opinion regarding this day after day like I'm dying. Will welcome any information from all of you,

N'rssing Sal

Sorry you are not feeling well, I remember those feelings and can relate and still have them from time to time 1 1/2 years later. Have you been to the ER and had them make sure all is ok? Don’t ever feel like you have no reason to feel like you do and never let others tell you that either. I will say a prayer for you to feel comforted.

Sweetie it sounds like you need some help, I can tell by your typing. Don't be afraid to hit the ER or get an appt right away with your neurosurgeon (well, probably the ER because today is Sat). I can tell you from experience that if you tell them right away you have an aneurysm you'll get a bed immediately!! It never hurts to get checked out, and be insistent about all of your symptoms until you get the relief you need. Please come back and tell us how you're doing - I'm very concerned about you tonight!

If you think the headaches are still from the problem you had with leaking spinal fluid, and you had a blood patch to help, my only suggestion is does the pain subside when you are lying flat on your back? I have no idea if it's related, but I had a spinal headache after a C-section with my youngest, and lying flat made the headache cease almost immediately, but to be elevated at all made it come back and it made me nauseous too. It just took several days to finally go away, and I did have a blood patch too. Heavy narcotics might help, but for me it only made it worse as I am sensitive to them and they cause nausea.


What has your Neurosurgeon told you..? You know, at some point you need to do exactly like you're thinking of doing, and thats get another opinion! After this many days out of the hospital, and to still be in such pain---(and like Sarah noted, its pretty evident that something is amiss, evidenced by your typing) Girlie, somethings gotta' give....Very concerned about you!



Like Janet I am concerned about you...and like Sarah your writing shows something is very wrong...go to ER...~ Gotcha in my Thoughts ~ Colleen

hi sal, please go to er or your drs, i think you have an unrelated virus

Let us know when your feeling better, we care about you and are praying for you~~~

Still worried about you - let us know when you can how you are.