Bought myself a ticket to Angiogram Land!

Met with my Interventional Neuroradiologist yesterday to review the MRI/MRA that revealed the new aneurysm, the meningioma and arteriosclerosis. Now I know everyone is biased about their surgeon but I am totally in love (in a brain kinda way) with my IN. He is the ultimate Obie Wan Kenobi…the force is with him.

He looks at everything and with a gleam in his eye tells me he is unimpressed with the aneurysm and even less impressed with the meningioma which is tiny. He compared it’s effect like the Princess and the Pea. I shouldn’t feel it, but if it growns to the point where it’s starting to cause me issues, it’s outta here. Because my brain is sensitive, I could feel its effects, but to keep up with my neurologist.

Of course, the only way to really make sure that here isn’t a Death Star (I’m in a Star Wars kinda mood) lurking behind a rather innocuous looking aneurysm is to do the cerebral angiogram.

He asks if I want it. My reply…like one “wants” a colonoscopy! It isn’t my idea of a good time, but some tests are the only way to get all up in there and see what’s going on. at least with the angio I don’t have to chug down quarts of liquid crap and have an extended intimate moment with my toilet! We both laugh.

This will make (including the surgery to repair the first aneurysm) angiogram #7! The last one was tricky because of scar tissue in my right femoral artery developed from my prior angios and the plug thing used for my first angio (done at another hospital…cautionary tale). The last one was performed by one of his Jedi Knights in training…his Luke Skywalker and Luke was having some problems due to the scar tissue. What should have been “threading the needle” became a drain cleaning snake job. Obie Wan quickly stepped in and dealt with the disturbance ith the force. We talked about this and this time we will be using the left femoral.

The only other thing that I am not looking forward too is that aside from the numbing used in the incision site, my doc does not believe in conscious sedation. You wil be wide spanking awake and he will be chatting with you all the time. He wants to ensure that if I start acting loopy it’s because of some procedural think and not the happy drugs. He does mercifully allow some post relaxation to scrape me off the metal ceiling after the process is over.

So today, I feel 50 percent better. Only 50 because since yesterday I have a ferocious migraine that has be on my way today to the Neurologist. The Fioricet ain’t cutting it today and my head is begging to be cut off.

My sense of humor has returned and now I’m off the the Neurologist before I completely lose it!

Stay blessed fellow warriors and survivors. May the force be with you!


Good luck with your appointment. I am glad you found a dr you like

To clarify…darn auto correct…he wants me awake in case of a procedural “thing” and will give me something to relax to scrape me off the “mental” ceiling! LOL!! Turning this darn auto correct off!

Hi Miriam...I had migraine all day yesterday from the change in weather...and taking feriocet too...I told hubby the same thing it isn't cutting is better...but still right there hanging, but able to get on computer a that is an improvement...~ Is the angiogram being done this week? ~ Cyber~thoughts your way ~ Colleen

Dear Princess Lea! or is it Queen Angie!!! lol my goodness 7 angios!~good luck & our thoughts, prayers are with you! May the fiorecet be with you too- oops dang auto typo correct!! seriously tho i hope your headaches quit, thank you for this wonderful blend of humor/update may your next #7 be "smooth as silk" Bless you & yours!

Hi Ron. It's Queen Anniedalah! I couldn't help myself. I gave Obie Wan strict instructions that he is to be at the controls this time. Luke can be at his side but no Pawadans allowed. The dome is an "EXPERTS ONLY" zone.

The Fioricet may finally be kicking in. Had to stop taking it this morning so I was lucid when I voted in the Presidential elections. Now back on the stuff and about to take a nap. Thanks for writing back! May the force be with us! :-)

Hi Colleen. The angiogram is on Nov 8. Hopefully the Fioricet gets the job done. Otherwise I have to call my Neurologist on Monday and she will see what else she can prescribe. Sending good vibes and cyber hugs and blessings your way. Miriam

Howdy Miriam,

From your Star Wars talk, I think we'll be great friends. ;) Though I have to say you missed a wonderful opportunity in paragraph four where you could have said your surgeon used the Jedi Mind trick to ask if you wanted the angiogram. "This is the test you're looking for. Move along." haha

I too had a killer headache on Thursday -- perhaps it was a disturbance in the force.

Where in the DC area are ya? I'm over here on the Shore in Smallsbury, I mean Salisbury. I sense a trip to the Ocean for Thrasher's fries next summer, my treat!

Hi Tara. Im in Silver Spring. The land that Pepco forgot. Guaranteed power outages. Stay safe! :slight_smile:

And thanks for the invite! Love the oceanside of MD in the summer :slight_smile:

Not sure you'd like it at the moment -- I think Thrasher's just floated away! Here's a shot from yesterday taken from when you first come off of the rt. 50 bridge into OC into the inlet... Hope you are safe in Silver Spring! Salisbury took quite a bath as well, but we're safe.

Lots of trees down here in Montgomery County. Have power thankfully and my daughter and I are staying put today. My hometown of NYC has taken a beating. Praying for them.

Hey Miriam!
I love the way you write! You do have a sense of humor indeed and that counts for so much when it comes to these crazy maladies we all have to deal with! I wish you nothing but the best,

Hi Janet,

Thanks much. Trying to keep my spirits up as the trip to angiogram land (this Thursday) approaches. Wishing you all the best as well. My attitude and my spirit are the only things I seem to be able to control.



Heyya Miriam!

I'm headed there Wednesday morning myself @ Hopkins. The versed ride really is a doozy! Will keep you in my thoughts & prayers.


Wow!! Prayers going your way that everything goes well.....I am very new to this journey.....just had a PED with coiling two weeks ago so I am still not feeling well at all...I had a large 10.50mm wide neck annie behind my left eye I actually had 0ne large and two small annies plus I still have another annie on the other side of my brain that they have to repair...dr told me yesterday that I am blessed to have my vision as they thought I was going to lose it. I must say I love your writing....makes our journey sound interesting and I hate the thought of a wide awake angio....i am not looking forward to that at all....but that will be in 6 months for me so I will try and prepare for that...

Love it....may the force be with you too!!
