Went for an angiogram this past Thursday

Went in for an angiogram this past Thursday thinking this was going to get me ready for my craniotomy, wrong, the 1st aneurysm that ruptured has started bleeding again, have to go in next Thursday for added coiling. Then possibly week or 2 later, going in for the final fixing via craniotomy! Just needed to get that off my chest!

why didn’t they coil it when they were doing the angiogram on past Thursday? That’s scarey.

Good luck with both procedures Terry! It’s good that they caught it and can do something about it!

Not really sure. I think it had to do with the original reason for the angiogram, getting me prepared for my craniotomy. I’ll have to ask my sister as she is the one that talked to the doctor.

Thank you & yes it is good that these were caught as I have already gone thru a rupture & 3 coilings so far. Will get thru this next coiling & then hopefully on to the last fix via craniotomy!

Good Luck Terry. My prayers are with you. My husband has to get a craniotomy - they are going to clip his aneurysm. He already had a bleed and they coiled it in march 2010.

Thank you! My prayers are with you & your husband as well! When does he go in for his craniotomy? How many aneurysms did he have? We all have come so far, this too shall pass! Have a great day!

Terry, THank you. Frank has 2 - the 1 aneurysm bled on 3/15/10 - he was life flighted from our local hospital to UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh, PA where they coiled his bleed and found a smaller aneurysm on the right side - 7 days later he had a stroke - he was in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit for 14 days - released to come home on the 15th day. I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I have since he has been ill. His speech is coming along wonderfully, he goes to speech therapy 2 x a week, he was off work 12 weeks and went back to his original job as a building maintenance person. He had his follow up angiogram on 9/17/10 and we were told at that time he has to have a craniotomy clip on the 2nd one. It’s not life threatening at this point so we have decided to wait to Summer 2011 once our daughter is out of school for the year. It’s just to stressful going through this and we want her to keep her 4.0 grade point average. She is going to Chicago Illinois with the German Club that she belongs to in her high school. We want Frank’s brain to get a little better before another procedure is done. Take care. Cindy

Asked my sister, she said she didn’t think to ask that question but thinks it had to do with the doctor had an emergency & that mine was ok to wait & do in a week, so…

Hi Becky,
Thank you! I’m hoping that this isn’t a common thing, having to have coils added periodically. I have read in a few cases after a year or so they have had to have coils added due to original coils compressing, but mine wasn’t even 5 months from 1st time, so…we’ll see. 3 more days to having it done! I am due to have a craniotomy done on the 4th aneurysm, so hopefully this is done within the next few weeks! Again, thank you for your encouraging words!

Again Thank you for being there for me! Yes, I am told that positive thinking and my crazy sense of humor is what has gotten me this far…there have been times, just like most of us where depression kicks in…I just try to think positive whenever negative thoughts pop up! So far so good! Should have said “get this off my mind” ya think??? LOL!!!

Same here about the ICU. I was told by my sister that they didn’t expect me to wake up for a few days, ended up calling my niece the first or second day & telling her that I was awake and cracking jokes. I myself don’t remember the first week or so, just maybe bits & pieces, but what I do remember, I was always laughing & joking. So I guess that was a good thing! Thank you for replying! You are so getting me ready for Thursday!

Good Luck and God Bless Terry.

Thank you Cindy! Know that you, Frank & your daughter are in my thoughts & prayers as well!

Hahahahaha, you are doing a good job…because I was HOT and I mean HOT after the doctors & a couple of the male nurses…my sister told one of the nurses not to come in my room because I was being inappropriate, he was half my age, heehee, (who me) & I remember telling one of the doctors (don’t know if you heard about the woman up here in Western NY telling the president (Obama) this line, you are one hottie in a smoking little body) well that’s what I told my doctor, whoo was he hot…and it wasn’t just the drugs in my case, he was hot. I told my nurse practioner that they better be careful if they have any more good looking doctors next time I go in, but as I am seeing on this website this is a “NORMAL” thing, hahahaha. Thanks again, you are a hoot! Have a blessed day!


Well that’s great news! Tell your daughter to keep doing great things, sounds like she is! Good luck! I will keep you all in my thoughts & prayers!