6 months angio

Hi guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m having a 6 month angiogram scheduled on April 13th, for my two unruptured annies I had coiled. A bit scared though… How did your first angios go? Oh and has anyone had a bad experience when they inject the due in your vertebral artery (bck of the neck)? Would love to hear about your experiences. Big hugs to all!

Just sending good thoughts your way!

Tania good luck on the day.
I had a few ct scans with contrast, the first one gave me like a burning sensation but the second one was ok

Never had it in neck

My wife is have her follow up angiogram Apr 27. Ruptured annie Dec 28 and 1 more not yet treated. They are considering a flow diverter, I think. Here is wishing you the best.

My aneurysm was quite large and it burst in Jan. 2014. They coiled it. Then In March I had a fow diverter put into the artery to strengthen the walls so it wouldn’t leak back to the aneurism. I had my first angiogram in October. They put the dye into my groin. And it went up into my neck and brain. I was sedated but not under anesthesia. It went very smoothly and everything was OK. It’s not painful. I didn’t have any after affects. I have a second angiogram scheduled for next Wednesday (April 15) as they are following me very closely. I am thankful for that!

My wife had a 6-month angiogram and an 18-month. She's supposed to have another this June at 3.5 years. She has handled them easily. At the 6-month, I think it was, she saw some bright lights, maybe something like lightning. They increased some coils then, but after the 18-month session it was just get up and go! We think it will go well for you. Just relax and trust you doctor!

Since my anny ruptured 3 years ago (anny of anny :) is 4/20), I've had angios every 6 mos. or year since. They've all gone well. Yes, there can be a little burning in the groin when they start but it's to be expected -- they're putting juice in ya!

Good luck and I lift you up in prayer for excellent outcomes!

Hi Tania: Remember that you have come this far and have done well, and each checkup in the future is a good thing. It is much better to know about things, then to worry and stress about the unknown. Trust your doctor and ask as many questions as you need to. I have not had any bad experiences and I am being monitored routinely too. Good luck - stay positive and look forward

to many happy and wonderful times ahead.

Hello Tania

I just had the ones they inject in your arm. They warned about the effects, I felt very little. Good luck. All will be good!


mine too in arm, all good, prayers of comfort and success~~~!!

oh and the man who briefed me was not my surgeon but an elderly Asian man who had the greatest ear to ear grin, and said WE GOT IT `100%!!!! as i searched to find the right words to ask him what the heck occluded meant he was gone!! poof!! lol i surmised it was all good judging by his excitment! think posituve!! all will be fine! rest up tc xoxo

I just felt a bit warm for a few seconds on different parts of my head each time they injected the dye. They said I might see flashing lights etc but I didnt (I kept my eyes closed so dont know if that made any difference)

Hope everything goes fine for you I had mine through the groin I was scared but it was okay and it did pick up a smaller anurism which is being monitored every three years due again June

I have had 3 follow up angiograms since my rupture in 2013. While everyone may have a different experience mine wasn’t a big deal. I am in the medical profession and have assisted with angiograms so I choose to have mine fully awake… no sedation at all. A little discomfort when your groin is numbed, some warmth when the contrast is injected, a dizzy feeling if your doctor takes a 3d picture but other than that it’s not a bad experience. Best wishes to you!

My first experience was SAH so when the six month check came, we were all apprehensive due to the long “personalized spa treatment” in ICU. Had the angiogram with contrast, and home that day. I’ve had several and never had dye put in my neck. My doc does them fully awake, I do get a load of medication to fight the allergy attack we all know is coming and that in itself is somewhat sedating. We talk during the procedure. There is one point I always just didn’t know, I do get dizzy and then sort of blacked out for a minute. May happen a few times before she pulls out. But I’m fine in a moment. I never thought it would be because of the picture taking, thanks Mary J! It’s something to put on my question list!

Thank you so much for all your comforting words! Maybe the first time that pain in the neck was also due to the stress… We’ll see how this one goes:) I guess I’d better get used to it anyway…:slight_smile:

I had the angio prior to my clipping surgery for 3 known aneurysms. They inject contrast several times during the procedure. It feels warm each time, and yes, I think I saw a little bit of "lights". At one point my arms and legs shook uncontrollably. It didn't hurt, I was conscious, but could not control. It was weird and lasted probably 5-6 seconds. It must not be common. They did not give me any explanation of this. It must be a reaction to the big amount of contrast. Otherwise, my procedure went fine, as well as the recovery. I trust yours will go just fine.

My angios were all fine, you’ll do great. I don’t think they put anything into your neck! Are you sure that’s what they told you?

Hi jennifer, no it’s just when they inject the dye in the vertebral artery, that’s the one in your neck, it’s painful and made me kind of dizzy the 1st time, so i’m kind of scared it Will happen again… Though i still hope it won’t:)