2nd clipping surgery set up for next wednesday

Hi BAF friends,

I went to my Pre Op on Friday and things seemed as expected with no repeat of EKG or angiogram as I received these prior and after last surgical clipping on Sept 5th. Only many blood test that I had at the Lab. I was starting to get a cold on Friday and feeling slightly sick.

The Neurosurgeon Nurse recommended only Mucinex for me to take over the weekend and to call her this Monday if I still feel bad. I asked her several times that this was starting to feel like a beginning chest infection/virus ie bronchitis....I still feel like crap and the cold is settling into my lungs...no other med was given to me...like a small dose of steroid or antibiotic...nope just over the counter mucinex...Ugh I even asked her, "how I should proceed if I feel worse over the weekend?". Her response, "just call me Monday".

So I anxious, because I don't know if they proceed with my Wednesday surgery. I realize that many survivors got rolled into surgery in dire straits. Did you do okay having surgery when your breathing was affected.?

Does anyone think I can still have surgery next Wednesday, given the mucus ball that I am experiencing and times of lung wheezing.

So, yea, I feel grumpy!! Sorry for vent. I was just positively ready to have the procedure on Wednesday because in one months time the Pcom Annie has grown larger.

Help me my friends,



Hi Sal...I have just spent one month sick off and on...blowing it off to my sinus's...poof 2 weeks ago..."out of the blue"...I couldn't walk up the steps and/or open my dryer...(I am 49 years old)...I quick called the Doctor's office and got in to find my oxygen levels were down to 92%...I had bronchitis very bad...and it was the most painful of it's kind I had experienced...it took breathing treatments, steroid shot and home with prednisone and antibiotic...now 2 weeks later...I am better but not 100% well...don't risk surgery...if you feel like you are getting worse...it isn't worth it...better to be in better health...that's just my 2cents...Rest and Get well...~ Colleen

Hi Colleen,

Thanks for your great advice. Yes, I am going to a walk in clinic today. No one is available at the Neurosurgeons office today. I cannot just continue to feel horrid another 24 hours. I suspect this is worse than a cold. I totally agree with you, I need proper medications and rest.

I am stressing though!!! On Wednesday, my sister flies in from out of state to be my 2 week caregiver. Yikes!!! Too late for her to cancel flight or reschedule.

I'll try to get better fast...

Blessings to you Colleen.


I agree with Colleen, don't risk surgery if you are not feeling well. I would think that the surgery would be postponed if you have any congestion or wheezing in your lungs, just not worth the risk.

Take it easy, lots of fluids and plenty of rest. Keeping you in m thoughts and prayers.

Hi Caroline,

Yes, I'll have to just take the delay if necessary. Phooey, I don't think my sister can change her flight from out of state, with such short notice. Ugh..trying to staying positive.

Thanks for the good info.

Blessings --Sal

Hey Sal,

Good question ! I would honestly think that they'd want you well in order to undergo the clipping...I can't imagine having to cough and wheeze right after having the surgery..(geez..I don't know) ! Take the Mucinex...(the Mucinex with the expectorant properties, right? I think its Mucinex DM)

I don't know Sister, I just hope you're well for surgery ! Peace, and Huggs, Janet

Hi Sal...all of us will keep you close in our thoughts and prayers...now you keep us posted...~ Colleen