You Matter

A year ago I shared this image on here. I wasn't driving much and still in physical therapy. I didn't talk much but listened and observed. While in therapy I ran into many people who felt lonely or lost in their healing. I saw the look in people's eyes in the store. I overheard conversations in passing. And I realized that I and others seemed to believe we no longer mattered. We lost our way a bit. So I decided to make these cards and leave them in random locations. I figured they'd blow in the wind into someone's path who needed reminding of their awesomeness.

The cards eventually made their way to various states around the U.S., Spain, Canada, and wherever else someone asked me to send them some. The stories that came back were funny, sad, eye opening. I wanted to remind others but instead it reminded me.

In your healing or care giving, you're going to run in to those moments where you think 'what the hell!' and you start to question your worthiness, your ability, your new position in life. Just remember to keep reaching. When you think you can't do this anymore take a little step. And another and another. Find ways to motivate yourself. Make a game out of it. I used to pick up socks with the gripper stick to throw into the washing machine and scored myself on how many I actually got in the machine. Stupid stuff that makes you smirk. Set little goals I will walk to the sink, today I will borrow a how to play guitar video, today I will call that person and say 'hey you rock'. today I will take myself to the movies. Anything to counterbalance where you are. Take a step. Keep stepping. Some days you'll dance. Some days you'll wriggle on the ground. But keep moving forward. You are all beautiful survivors.

Always love what you have to say - it's always spot on. Have a great day!

I love your words they are so wonderful and they do help. This is a great shirt that I will wear everyday so people can feel the words that help heal. Thank you

How can I order some of your beautiful cards?

I have been battling depression since I had an aneurysm a few years is actually a bad day as I keep crying but that post of yours gave me the courage to go on.thank you.

Thank you for your reminder that we all can move forward.....My aneurysm was in Feb 2012....It was devastating but in the years that have followed I have been able to completely reclaim my former life and grow into a much better person with an empathy that I never understood I would achieve. Life is a gift!

May you continue to grow and flourish!!!! Marjie

Hi Roger, thanks. If you want some cards I'd be happy to send you some. No charge. You can send me a private message letting me know where to send them.

Roger M. said:

How can I order some of your beautiful cards?

That's such great news Marjie! May you continue blossoming!

Marjorie Nicholson said:

Thank you for your reminder that we all can move forward.....My aneurysm was in Feb 2012....It was devastating but in the years that have followed I have been able to completely reclaim my former life and grow into a much better person with an empathy that I never understood I would achieve. Life is a gift!

May you continue to grow and flourish!!!! Marjie

Thanks Sarah, you're so kind. Have a great day too!

Sarah D said:

Always love what you have to say - it's always spot on. Have a great day!

Oh I have days like those. Ugh. When they happen I always think of those movies where the hero is taking a beating. He's lying face down in the mud and you think that's it for him. And he moves one hand, then another and slowly pulls himself up to his knees. Then ever so slowly up to his feet and he stands there wobbly and you think he might be better off lying in the mud. The thing is, we can still get up. We have to keep getting up no matter how hard it is. We were given a chance to continue on. It doesn't have to be pretty but we can still get up no matter how long it takes.

hema moty said:

I have been battling depression since I had an aneurysm a few years is actually a bad day as I keep crying but that post of yours gave me the courage to go on.thank you.

hi! absolutely! there was a great webinar on here about 2 yrs ago about doing chores in stages and just physcing yourself up, the good dr inspired me to clean out my headboard compartments and clean up the dresser! ii looked later in the archives but couldnt find it ugh, ty for the lift, tc

What a beautiful sentiment, I to suffer from bouts of depression. Note to self read this when ever you are feeling down. I would also be interested in purchasing some of your beautiful cards can you please post were I can do this. Thanks for the words of encouragement & have a wonderful day

I love reading your posts ! And would love to buy some cars. Best wishes to all!

Sorry cards

What a beautiful story and sentiment! I also would love to have some of your cards so I can share with some people I know. I think they would benefit from their words.

You are spot on with you sentiments in that they are days when you question if anything holds or will ever hold meaning for you again. But by taking small steps, sometimes minute ones it may seem, soon you have taken a giant leap in your life. When that has occurred, I grab that victory, then take a deep breath and plot the next challenge. My wishes for your continued successes!

Perfect :heart:

Thanks all. For those of you asking about these cards. I'm not selling these...I'm giving them away. If you want me to send you some just send me a private message.

These cards can not only make someone's day but change someone's changing their mindset! Thank you for your inspiration!

Love this!!

I love this! Agree with Sarah D - spot on. I am new to this forum and this is just what I needed to see today. Thank-you for sharing.