A Share

Ok I'm not sure if this will work but I'm attaching a photo of some cards I made. The thing is, I've been struggling a bit with fear over the future and a bit of guilt over surviving (yeah I'm not sure how that works). What I've decided to do is focus on gratitude and trying to make a small difference. While in therapy I ran into many people who felt lonely or lost in their healing. I've seen the look in people's eyes in the store. I've overheard conversations in passing. And I realized that I and others seem to believe we don't matter. We lose our way a bit. So I decided to make these cards and leave them in random locations. Maybe someone will find them and be reminded of their awesomeness. And since I'm limited in how far I can travel I am going to ask people if they're willing to spread them around for me too.

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Hi harylena what a noble and wonderful thing for you to think of. Are they your own words on the card? Wow it’s deep! And some of my own feelings in the process of healing from this trauma of a ruptured aneurysm. My story is on a recent blog, have a read. I will be willing to help you on your venture and any other assistance you may need. You Go Girl!

Wow thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, they are my own words. I think they were meant for me and for all those people who walk around with sad eyes. You know, the ones you want to run up and hug but would probably start screaming when they see the crazy lady with scarf wrapped head (me) coming at them. I have received several offers to help me share these cards but I would be more than happy to share them with you too. Just let me know how to. Thanks!

Yes, we do matter and don't ever let anyone make you feel any different! Good job with the cards!! A long time ago, I was walking into Mall with my 19 yr. old, I was pretty wobbly, cane in one hand, hanging on to his arm and two elderly women were just staring me up & down (maybe just feeling sorry for me?) and my son, not use to the stares.... came right out and asked them if I was wearing something of theirs?

LOL 'Ya never saw heads turn away any faster tee-hee! Whenever someone asks what's wrong with me, I tell them "ain't nothing wrong with me" .....why do you have a problem??

Your son sounds so cute and protective!

Thanks for sharing your cards...

Thanks :)

You are awesome and you do matter :0)

theses are really great !

Aw thanks much Patricia!

His remark is priceless! Kudos to him.

WOW; what a wonderful "Positive Mental Attitude" to have and these Random Acts of Kindness you are investing in is just Beautiful!!!

Thank you so much Michele!