Time off from work for coil & stent?

Hey everyone, I’d like to get some feedback from those of you who have had unruptured aneurysms coiled and stented. How long did you take off from work? I think the doctor told me I’d be fine in a couple of days, but I’m sure I won’t be ready to return to work that fast. I’m a full time teacher and a mom, so life is very busy, and my job can be relatively stressful. For those of you who have had this procedure done, how long did you need off work?

Thanks! Karen

Wish I could help Karene...I donot work out of the house...~ Colleen

My surgeon and the radiologist suggested I'd be fine in a couple of weeks. The anaesthetist was much more realistic, suggesting well over a month would be needed, and gave good advice to not let anyone pressurize me to go back before I was ready. I actuallye needed about 4 months before I could even attempt to go back to work parttime, but my aneurysm was particularly large and they blocked off the artery as well as coiling it. In fact I never managed to get back fully and am now retired. I don't think I'm representative though, and I did have a particularly intellectual and demanding job. It takes time for the brain to recover when it has been messed with, so relax, get lots of rest and let others pick up your work for a bit. Judith

Hi Karene,

Lets face it, this is not about their brains but about yours--a few days is certainly not realistic ! I'd wager to say, more like 6 weeks at a minimum....maybe longer, depending, give or take. Any which way you slice, it, you'll still be undergoing brain surgery, the difference is ofcourse the Coil / stent or PED etc. is minimally invasive but its still brain surgery non the less. Don't let anyone push you, take the time you feel is needed. Peace, Janet

Karen -- I just had coiling but I was ready to go back to work within a week -- I waited 3 weeks to go back to my second job but if everything goes well you will probably be ready. I know it sounds crazy but 2 weeks after I had mine coiled I felt good and the only thing that reminded me that I had anything done was my groin where they went in at. Good Luck!!

Hi Karen

I went back to work after a week and have been working 6/7 days since it was June 2012 I still get headaches now.

Thanks jimmy

Jimmy and Fireflower, you guys are the Bomb ! Maybe i'm a sissy, Lol, but its great that everything has worked out so well , keep up the healing ! Peace, Janet

Hi Karen. I had mine coiled on Sept. 17th and was back to work on Sept. 23rd. I am symptom - free! The first few days I was sore from the puncture wounds in the groin; other than one headache, I was good. I have a very stressful job & was concerned about going back so soon; but I didn't have a choice financially. I have used up all my sick days & can't afford more time off. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Hi Karen

I had my 26mm unruptured aneurysm pipeline stented a year ago. I went back to work after 7 weeks to a demanding and stressful job. This was far too soon as I was still in a lot of pain and had double vision. I had no choice due to finances. I have recently changed jobs to one that is physically more demanding but less stress. This is helping and I only have a bit of double vision now (corrected by a prism) and migraine now and again. I do still have head pains, rubbish memory and get more tired than I used to. It seems it is really very individual when you are well enough for work but if you can afford to stay off I would do so until you feel absolutely well.