Spot in coiled anyuresm that has no coils

Hi everyone my husband had a subbracnoid hemmorage in the basilar artery Jan 15 of this year. They went in and coiled it. Today we had a follow up appointment with the neurosurgeon and he said that his anyuresm was 7mm big and their is a small area in the anyuresm that their is no coiling. He said this sometimes happens. Surgery is not an option to go back in and fill it. He couldn’t even tell us where it was exactly ( like in the middle or the side) he said the MRA doesn’t show exactly where it is. Of course now I am worried sick! Anyone know anything about this, and should I be extremely worried? The doctor just basically said, we will check it again in three months to see if it changes at all? He said just try to go back to normal life because theirs nothing we can do for it!


Did you ask the doc how it compared to the post-coiling angio the day coiling was done?

There is, or should be, the post-procedure angio for the status/prognosis...whatever they advised you of that day...and, those images should have been maintained in the med records... of the gold standard angios...

Were any stents implanted the day of coiling? Did the doc discuss potential of stent implant?

What does the doc's explanation mean at all...if he does not know what / where "space" exists?

I am surprised that an MRA was done...and, yet still not able to visualize the space...

Prayers you are not worried sick...because they released your hubby that day of follow-up...

When you get more questions / feedback here...make a list of questions to ask the doc...

I have no expertise...just my own experience...there are a number of members here who have coiled basilar aneurysms, so expect you will get a lot of feedback...

Prayers for hubby's contineud recovery...and, your peace and health...


No I didn’t ask the doc about how it compared to the original one, I know now that I should have, but of course we were in shock and never really thought of it. Stents were never mentioned either. Apparently his Annie was is a really bad spot and very hard to get to. The only option was the coils. It is very confusing how he doesn’t know where the gap is, isn’t it? And now we don’t go back to see him until August! Not getting much sleep these days!

Thanks so much for your reply. Yes that’s what I’m hoping too, that it has clotted there and it is not a risk…


Call the doc, ask for another appointment to discuss...ask to have the images reviewed w/you while it is explained... the old saying "one pictre is worth a thousand words" and yet "one picture will not tell the full story" ... particuarly when there is, can/may be a change during the interval of the initial to the f/ups...

If you do nto get a lot of "basilar" my want to begin your discussion again...wih the subject of "basilar..."

We all have a lot of common issues/symptoms...a lot based on the access arteries to whereever the aneurysm may be...

Prayers for great responses from those w/basilar...then, talking w/the better understand...also in asking about various therapies to assist recovery... whatever else comes to ask the doc...

Prayer strongly includes getting your sleep and maintaining your health...


Hi Jackie...not sure if this is the same thing, but I had a 9mm brain aneurysm on my basilar artery coiled 2 years ago...on my last checkup they told me the coils compacted and a tiny amount of blood is getting through to the aneurysm and the Doctors wouldn't do anything at that time due to all the trauma ... I will have another angio in 2 years and they will make a decision at that point...I live my life with bad days and good days, but no longer worry about it...I will not let my aneurysm's ruin my life...

If you have any doubts contact his surgeon and ask "why" and what can happen...if you are not satisfied take hubby's records and go get a second opinion...Wishing you better days ahead ~ Colleen

Thanks Colleen, your right, it really can take over every thought, all the time if you don’t be careful…my husband and I talked about it again this morning and he said, we should just try not to think about it, the doctor said he would not operate again so we just have to wait for the next appointment in August and hope nothing has changed! So true that it can ruin your life if you let it! My husband also said their are people everywhere who have all kinds of things growing in their body, for example Cancer! Which is horrible but we know what is in his body and he has a second chance, so we really should make the most of it and stop dwelling on the bad things that COULD happen. Thank you again I am going to take your advice! Life really is a gift! Have a great day Colleen, you are a very wise woman~Jackie