Significant other's struggles

I had my rupture 30 month's ago. Today I struggle with my wife's over protectiveness with me, words could never express how extremely greatful I am to my wife for everything she has done for me, since my emergency operation. We have been married for 28 yrs. We have five children and three grandchildren. My wife is my best friend and we have a great time together always. This event has changed our lives and today I worry about her a great deal. She doesn't know how to let go, she works a full time job and she attends law school in the evenings. She's in her third year at New York Law. She has a great deal on her plate. Thank God i'm doing allot better today I've tried to tell her to seek professional help, but she always goes back to the fact that she does not have the time for that, Is there anyone out there that can help me out with some ideas or thoughts that I can share with her so she can start working on stepping back and letting go.

Thank you in advance for your thoughts ..............................................


It is great news that you are doing better. I hope you continue to improve.

Your wife sounds like a remarkable person, she works and goes to law school. This takes up most of her life, so I am wondering how she is over-protective when she is so busy. Could you elaborate?

Yes, I would like to know this too, Joseph. How does the overprotectiveness express itself?

By overprotective I mean that when she’s not working and at school she spends every minute worrying about me. If I’m stressed if I am saying things that don’t make sense. I worry that this level of stress on top of everything else she does is too much for. She doesn’t allow herself to relax and is so worried about me all the time that she’s always looking for signs that I’m sick.

Perhaps it might help her if she visited here and posted. There are many active, experienced posters who would be delighted to correspond with her about her worries.

I will ask her to do just that, Thanks