Ross Parks

Hi all, just to let you all know Ross had his surgery on Thursday and is out of ICU and on general ward, he is looking to be discharged home soon.

Ah This Is so sweet of you Kristina...I just got a message from Ross and was going to write a post...and like always this group and it's people are so supportive and on top of everything...Thank you...

This is such good News...God Bless Ross...~ Colleen

OOps forgot....Ross keep resting and healing ... even when you go home...

That is wonderful news. Thank you for sharing Kristina. Ross take good care of yourself and get plenty of rest! We miss you around here :slight_smile:
~ Carol

Thanks Kristina ! Give him plenty of hugs from all of us,

(and no over-doing it once home) !

Peace, Janet

Thanks Kristina! Awesome news take care!

Great to hear. I hope he has a smooth recovery.


Thanks for all your good wishes I will pass them on to Ross, have a great day :slight_smile: