Recovery time?

I would like to hear your stories of recovery time, my husband has been home for about a week now after being in the hospital for 3 weeks, he his recovering but very slowly and he has no appetite and hasnt for about 13 days. Has anybody experienced this? and how slow was your recovery from clipping surgery? Thanks and God bless you all.

Hi Katt...I was coiled, not clipped, but I can tell you this is a long journey...and it takes time for one to recover...actually I tell many ... even the littlest improvements are big when it comes to the brain...God Bless you both...~ Colleen

Hi Katt

I was clipped 3 weeks ago for 2 MCA's I have good hours and bad days is best way to describe how I feel just now. My GP has referred me back to NS with pain issues and a few vision problems. my appetite is good for once (I think they flipped my hungry switch on) I'm battling low moods too and have days where I cry and cry. I am confident that I will make a full recovery from all this and I know I am blessed to have had those little blighters discovered and clipped before a rupture. I give thanks to God for my life today, it could have been a very different story.

It's a long haul to fitness, I know this but get frustrated at what I can't do now as to what I did before this. I guess I have to adapt for a while yet.

This site here is an amazing aid to my recovery. I have made friends who are just like me and it is great not to have to justify myself/way of thinking for today :)

I will pray for your husband that he enjoys a full and speedy recovery and also for you Katt that you are blessed and you know rest too

Chris xx

Hi Katt,

After my clipping surgery, I had little to no appetite. The first couple of weeks were the worst, while in the hospital. Even at home for several more weeks, I had to force myself to eat. Most of the food I enjoyed before the surgery, tasted different to me. My sense of smell and taste were different, even experienced phantom smells. I found that most seasoning was too intense and it was easier to tolerate bland foods.

My appretite improved after I stopped taking the seizure medication, subscribed after my surgery. You might want to check the side effects of the medications, your husband is taking since his surgery. One of the side effects of Keppra (my seizure medication) is decreased appetite. Hope this helps.

I am 4 months out from my surgery and currently still in PT. Each of us has different recovery times, depending on any complications before and during the surgery.
Take Care,


You'll probably get fed up of hearing these about recovery, but 'we all differ', 'be patient, it takes time'... or 'it's still early days'. I was coiled 9 months ago, I'm still improving but am not back to 'normal' yet. I am still not able to work full time. Enjoyed a great lazy summer though!


hi Katt-i had sah 3 yrs ago and my appetite took 1 yr to come back, when i first came home from the hospital i would eat half sandwiches and kiddie portions-i now eat whole ones but worried i'm gonna gain weight because im disabled and not burning up the calories- i was coiled tho but we seem to be all in the same boat with many issues. i had a feeding tube for 7 weeks so that explains a lot for my poor appetite-i was like a baby starting out on soft food. thank you for the blessing and we still have you, husband and yours in our thoughts & prayers-hang in there-this will improve with time.lots of time.

Hello Katt, hope all is well.

I had clipping, last year. I took me a good 4 months to be back to normal. Physically i was getting tired easily and mentally, i was depressed. It is major surgery, be patient it will get better month by month.

The brain needs time to heal.

God Bless

Nikki xx

I was coiled 3 months ago and I feel almost back to normal! I didn’t have any appetite until at night. I love staying up all night and sleeping during the day. I also had rupture and I am pushing 57. Good luck and god bless

Try to get your husband to drink those Ensure or other high calorie drinks. Plus encourage small portions, like half a sandwich. In the beginning, I lost weight & didn’t have an appetite. Plus certain smells made me nauseous. It took several months after my aneurysm clipping, to regain my appetite. Even now, 7 months later, I have moments where I eat because I know I should, not because I’m hungry. So hang in there, continue to be supportive & encouraging. Remember the brain is on 24/7, it never truly gets to rest, so it’s a long slow healing process. My prayers are with both of you.

My wife was clipped 6 weeks ago today. She didn't eat for the first 10 days, but then her appetite came back with a fury due to the steriods she was on. The first 3 weeks were hard, but I saw progress each day even on bad days. The Drs told us that 6 week mark you just feel better and it is like a switch went off this week and her fatigue got so much better to the point she didn't nap a day or two (but was in bed by 8pm). It is a tough road for recovery and it can be equally difficult being the spouse (emotionally and physically) on the sidelines watching. Be sure to take care of yourself duing these challenging times and God bless.


8 weeks and 3 days after surgery and my wife is still in the hospital. I got to take her to the hospital cafeteria today! She ate fish, broccoli, and had cake and ice cream for dessert. She's diabetic, too, but who cares!? She is a brain aneurysm survivor; a little high blood sugar is nothing.

But a week ago, she was not doing so hot. She had been up and down so much that last weekend was one of the scariest weeks since her aneurysm. Various medical issues that came up, as I've posted in other threads, have all settled down and she's going great. So the time varies by person and circumstance. It can take longer or shorter. The very hardest thing to do is to always stay positive so that he always feels like he's healing.

Please, be patient. Support him. And try to not worry yourself so much. I know time passes so slowly and no other medical condition my wife has ever had took anything near this long to heal. Our experience and expectation tells us she should be better but she's not. This is brain surgery. It's a really big thing. But for most here, it does get much, much better. Be strong and hang in there!

Thank you everybody for your kind and inspiring words, My husband is doing better today, he ate a small meal today, first time in 10 days, and he walked with his walker for the first time since coming home a week ago. I now feel alot more hopeful that he is getting stronger little by little. I would also like to wish the best to everybody and I am praying for all of you. Again, Thanks everybody and God Bless.

Hi Katt...This is good news...Keep us posted...

Wishing you both a Happy and Peaceful Saturday ~ Colleen

It was unruptered, had been previously coiled and got bigger over a few years.

Katt - I am a year out now and am now just considering myself close to how I was before surgery. I went back to work after 5 weeks but oh my I wish I could have taken about 6 months off. Within those 5 weeks I barely ate anything, was dizzy and nauseated all the time. Loud noises, bright light, just about anything and everything bothered me. So recovery is definetely a slow process and honestly there are things that will never get back to normal. I hope your husband is doing good and just give him time, things will eventually start moving faster.

Hi Katt,

I hope your husband is doing better. I don't know if it has anything to do with the location of the aneurysms but I had two clipped on 6/26/12. I must have been blessed because although I had some vision problems in the beginning I was driving within 2 weeks, exercising in 3 and went back to work full time in 5 weeks. Mine didn't rupture either but was found with an MRI and an angiogram.

I was hoping to lose my appetite but never did. The hardest thing about eating though was that some muscles in my jaw had been injured so it took me about 2 months before I could open my mouth as wide as before the surgery.

Best wishes to you and your husband ~