Randy, my son

randy has a new therapist, he is having therapy twice a day and they are using electric stimulation on him, no one has tried that before, I'm hoping it will help...has any one used this form of therapy and did it help...jan

Hi Jan...keep us posted on your son's progress...wishing him and you the best...~ Colleen

Jan...no, I do not know of that ...prayers that it does stimulate what needs stimulation...Is that something that can be continued as an outpatient...based on results up to discharge?


yes, he will have therapy at home and I'm sure they have that available, I have a small one called tens, with the electrodes you put where the pain is and it worked for me when I had shoulder surgery and have used it on my back, he may want to get something like that, we are going down in may and I may take it along.

I am so glad...glad to know of your good results...I am the old-fashioned who goes to my acupuncturist first...It was my acupuncturist who would not work on a portion of my skull...until I saw a neuro and had whatever testing needed....makes another chapter...

So glad you can go down in May...it is so special to all of you...I'd suggest "take it...just in case"... I am so pleased for you...

I am a believer in acupuncture, I have fibromyalgia and she helped me a lot with the pain from that...

Thank you for sharing that...it is so nice to know...

I am still smiling for you for your trip in May...delighted for you all...just know your son may be/sound cranky w/you, too...don't be surprised/disappointed...

Hugs, Pat

I saw this TED talk, thought it was interesting and promising : http://www.ted.com/talks/andres_lozano_parkinson_s_depression_and_t...

thanks for your reply, I have high hopes for this, nothing else seems to be working, it's been almost 3 mo. since the aneurysm , and the fist 3 weeks he couldn't open his eyes or talk or eat, now he is doing all those things, but the left side just won't move even with the extensive therapy he has had.

Thank you Sue, It's always good to hear from someone who has been there, the problem is he lives in Fl. and I live in Il. so I won't be there to bug him to keep working, and I don't think any one in his home will keep at him, they will just settle in and do what they need to do for his basic needs.