Therapy ideas

It's been a while since I've been on the site. My father moved to a skilled nursing facility 3 weeks ago and has been making amazing progress with his OT/PT therapists. He's finally realized the complexity of what has happened to him but is very accepting of how life is going to be for him. He said to me the other day that he has alot of down time, so I was reaching out the the BAF community for ideas to keep him active during non-therapy times. He said to me yestersay "My brain isn't dead it's very much alive" that's the best thing he's said to me in 7 months.

Glad to hear of this update...To Continued healing of your Father...~ Colleen

Thanks for the site see how it goes on an ipad for him. I think books would be too confusing too since his eye sight is not that great. He did mention books on tape did try those at all?

Hi Samantha! Great to hear the therapists are making progress. for me soduku and crosswords and is dad computer able yet? if so this site has been the best therapy for communication and socialization skills. Start with ez puzzles of course, we are here if there is anything I could do-don't hesitate to ask. That's great what he told you! thanks for sharing that! We'll keep you in thoughts and prayers!