Please I have some questions

Alex wiesemann
Thank you I will look into that article . Wow I’m sorry but also blessing to hear someone was near you who knew what they were doing

He lost feeling in his arm? Is that how you can tell if it comes back after a surgery , so all symptoms reappear ???

Thank you .

Wow I am sorry and wow 11mm is big. My m

My moms aneursym was only 5mm and burst. How come it can’t be clipped or coiled? How do you get such a rare aneursym? You had no symptoms prior???
I’m glad you are okay from your accident. It was a miracle to find it when they did

Dear Danielle:

Every case is different but yes it could burst before the next appointment depending on many factors like size, location, blood pressure, age, etc. It is not hereditary, however having a parent, grandparent or a brother o sister having one increases the chance that you will also suffer from it. I had a sharp pain in the head like somebody hit me with a baseball bat. Mine did not burst thank GOD! mine was 3 mm and I chose to have an operation done and not wait (pipeline embolization device) and see since my grandmother die at 40 from it, and I have other conditions. Please check this sources for more answers:

Good luck and take care!

I did not have any symptoms. My aneurysm was found incidentally. Luckily, mine did not rupture, but I had it clipped so it will never rupture (I hope!). The recovery after the craniotomy went well. I was back at work after 6 weeks and I feel normal (outside of some discomfort where the surgery was done). I'm glad I had mine clipped so I don't have to worry about it rupturing.

Wow sounds scary. What is the difference between clipping and coiling ? Is one more safer or better ? But that’s great news you found it and not it rupture on you one day

Bermudez Ana
Thank you for sharing your story with me. And wow usually people have the pain when it ruptures. And that recovery time is amazing 6 weeks.


I know everyone's experience is different with different outcomes. I can only share mine. A year and a half ago I experienced what I would term a pop in my head followed by an immediate pressure in my head - like sinus pressure. Immediately a severe headache set in which would not subside. I knew something was wrong but had no idea what it was. Thankfully my wife convinced me to go to the ER. I ended up being life flighted to a hospital with a ruptured SAH. They were able to coil that aneurysm but in the process found another. 6 months later they clipped that one. Recovery for me is still on going - memory loss is evident, persistent headaches and at times an out of touch, depressed mood sets in. None of these though have kept me from normal activities - except you know everything is not yet the way you would like. I was very weak after both surgeries, having to be out of work for almost 2 months after the first one and 2-3 weeks for the second one. I have been told that aneurysms are hereditary - in my case both my sister and mother had had previous ones. I am definitely encouraging my children to be checked. Initially they had me on a 6 mos. check up with an angiogram. They just changed that to a 1 year check up.

I hope some of this is helpful!


They say that they hereditary. So far I’m the only person in my family to have one. I had a best friend (cerebral aneurysm)and a friend’s mother (abdominal aneurysm) die from them. In both of there cases they never knew what happened. They both went into a coma and never regained consciousness.

In my case, I had two ruptures, with in both cases having the worst headache in my life. For the grace of God I survived with no lasting disabilities. My aneursym is behind my eye, so I have a big time sensitiity to light and wear dark glasses. I still suffer headaches but I’m still able to work. Needless to say my live changed forever and I have a new normal.
If you want peace of mind get checked. Only time will help with your grieving.
Support sites like this one can help so hang in there.

Yes they are hereitary. I had real bad headaches. None of mine have burst. I have 7. Just keep in touch with your doctor and take it easy.


I can only relate my experience. I did not know that I had an aneurysm at all. I was the first one in my family to experience this so I can only assume that it is not hereditary. I had no symptoms at all, went to bed feeling pretty good actually and had just come from a routine doctor appointment a few days prior. When the event woke me I was able to wake my now-husband, but I am very sure that if he had not been right beside me I would not have been able to wake my son who was sleeping downstairs. I thought the house was on fire due to the burning in the back of my head. Upon moving I began to vomit and knew immediately that something was very wrong. I could not form a thought as to WHAT was wrong, I was confused, hurting and scared all at the same time. I don't have any memory of anything for the next 9 days. I have been told what happened and some of it sparked a segment of a memory but nothing complete. I am 7 years out and the initial recovery took me around 2 years. I still have AH-HA moments and am still improving on some fine motor skills but for the most part I was as good as I was going to be after 2 years. I have regained most everything but I do still tire easily, and have pronounced weakness on my left side when I get tired. It's a's's's frustrating...Don't ever give up.

Hello Danielle,

It is understandable to be worried upon learning you have an aneurysm but you are actually lucky to know you have it and to already have a doctor who will be monitoring it. I had my first aneurysm found nearly seven years ago and have had the scan and check in with my Neurosurgeon every year since.

Annual reviews are normal and considered best practice. Should your aneurysm change or grow it will be picked up and then your doctor will discuss options with you. Obviously there is risk of enlargement and bleeding but that why you have the test done every year. Your doctor should be able to reassure you as to this risk for you and should have told you that if you get a 'thunderclap' headache, meaning a sudden headache that is the worst you have ever had - go immediately to hospital.

Many people on this site have lived with unraptured aneurysms for years and others have had bleeds, which can cause damage but can also be recovered from (depending upon severity). You should talk with your doctor, have your blood pressure under control and checked and take a deep breath. It is terribly frightening at first but you can live a healthy life with brain aneurysms.

You ask if they are hereditary. If an immediate family member has aneurysms that increases the chance that you will have them but its often unknown. There are a couple of other tests that can be done for conditions that contribute to developing aneurysms so again, you could ask your doctor about these.

Earlier this year I had to have surgery to clip one of my aneurysms as it had grown in the last year. Following the annual CT, I had a follow up cerebral angiogram and the surgeon decided to operate fairly quickly. The surgery went really well. Recovery varies for us all but I have recovered well with only a few headaches that are managed well with medicines.

I wish you all the best and hope you get the information you need. Cheers, V

I had pounding headaches which I thought were stress/tension headaches for about 8 months. Then on June 9, 2013, I was out weeding when I received a crushing headache and started feeling very weak. I went inside to lie down and a few days later it wouldn’t let up. So I called my GP who I couldn’t see until a week later. He was going to give me a new migraine med until I told him my dad passed away 31 years ago exactly to the day of June 9 of a ruptured aneursym. My dad was 52 at the time of his death and I was 52. It was just all too weird for me. My GP scheduled an angio CT to rule out a tumour and sure enough, there it was. A 7 mm aneursym in my right perracollosal artery. I was immediately referred to my neurosurgeon who originally thought it had slowly ruptured due to the presence of the 24/7 headache but it took 2 weeks to get into surgery. He was stunned to find it had not ruptured and clipped it. To this day, we don’t know what caused my blinding headache that alerted me to this. My surgery went well, out in 2 days, recovery was 8 weeks and I feel good, except my handwriting is hesitant and a little numbness on my left index finger. I feel so blessed and cannot help but feel my dad had some part to play in my early warning. My next check up is in 4 years. This is considered hereditary, so when my 2 kids are in their 30’s, they will start their screening. I hope this helps you.

My first Annie ruptured in 2004 while at work..Massive pain! I remember bending down to pick up a piece of paper, stood up and it ruptured. walked to the office but dont remember walking. Next thing I remember was throwing up severely. Was taken to local hospital where they tried diagnosing me with a migraine. My husband insisted on a CT Scan to be done. Well they discovered I had a ruptured aneurysm and flew me out immediately to University Hospitals of Cleveland. While Clipping the aneurysm they discovered a 2nd aneurysm. I do remember waking up with all sorts of wires, IVs, and head wrapped with lots of bandages. After 21 days in hospital I was finally able to go home. 6 weeks later had the 2nd aneurysm clipped. Only stayed in hospital for like 2 weeks. Recovery went VERY well. Was able to return to work within 3 weeks.

In 2011 my neurosurgeon discovered yet another aneurysm. It had to be coiled. Unlike the first 2 this one was wedged in between main artery in brain. The coiling went well and I went home the very next day. Well now they have discovered a 4th aneurysm.

i have done very well with all of this but I am now having severe memory issues. My short term memory is getting worse every day. I get frustrated at myself way too easy.

I dont know if this helps you but PLEASE PLEASE make them monitor you as mush as your insurance allows!!!

I had a rupture on April 3, 2013. I had a horrible headache and a even more horrible stiff neck. I didn’t go to hospital until April 7, 2013 where I was life flighted to a larger hospital. They discovered I had another unruptured anyeurysm close to the ruptured one but it was only 3mm. On Oct 16, 2013 I had surgery for the unruptured one. I had surgery on Wednesday and came home Friday…just 2 days later!! I did not require any rehab and after a couple of months I returned to my regular job (but was working at home on my ebay business within a couple of weeks). I know I’m a rare exception to the normal anyeurysm patient, expecially after the rupture, but I have no major disabilities - just short term memory problems but this too is getting better. Yes, all the doctors are baffled!! God is Good! I celebrated my one year anniversary last week and plan to celebrate for many more years to come!

Linda W
Wow you had a headache for 8months. It was a sign for you to get checked .
I believe we all have those moments in life when our paths lead us to warning signs of sudden illness or having someone there when it bursts. Thank you for sharing it really did help

Jessica beckwith
Yes thank you . Your sharing does help: I appreciate sharing your experience as it helps me understand this killer more. I did also read usually you have one aneursym, you are likely to have more later in life. But some just have one. I can’t imagine how you feel to learn yet another aneursym. I am so sorry and wish you all the blessings.
Thank you I definitely will get scanned . My little ones count on me for it

Karyn krise
Wow I must say that is a blessing . Yes god is good . I do believe he knows what he is doing. My mom always told me before her passing that if it was her time then that means nothing left on earth for her to do. I know now she might not be next to me watching the world but she is watching me as my guardian angel. I am just shocked you have no disablities I must that’s amazing . I am happy for you . Thank you for sharing with me. It’s just the little things people do for eachother like sharing a story that brings more light into a situation someone is going through.