Please allow me to introduce myself

So @Moltroub you’ve had the same section repaired 4 times? Is that relatively common? Over how long a period of time?

Yes sir, four for the same aneurysm. It’s an oddity, multi-lobed and in a difficult place to fix. I blamed the over 24 daughter sacs for the coils to keep compacting. Ruptured 11/2013, second repair six months later, third repair about 16 months later (she gave me a break).

I don’t think it’s common to have four repairs for one aneurysm, we’ve had several members have two and some even three. I’ve always received the same rules - don’t strain when having a bowel movement (GI recommended Align as a probiotic and Miralax, I use the generic ones and they said that was fine). Don’t blow my nose hard, 40 lb weight limit. The funniest was don’t sneeze hard as I have allergies. Sneezing is out of my control😂. Basically things that may raise my BP I guess though I’ve don’t remember asking. The biggest risk to those of us with endovascular repairs is coil compaction as you may have already learned.