PED placed today

I’m writing from Jefferson Hospital in Philly. So far I have had an incredibly fabulous experience. I had an arteriogram yesterday and the PED was placed this morning. I was prepared to be really exhausted and I have loads of energy and NO pain from the procedure.

Only problem is that my lower back really hurts. I do have a history of chronic lower back pain and laying on back all day yesterday and much of today has been really painful. I started sitting at an angle this evening but haven’t tried to walk yet.

I feel like I could go back to work tomorrow! I know I should find this to be a blessing but I anticipated not being able to do anything. I feel guilty having enlisted friends and members of my community to cook, drive my kids around and generally help out.

Has anyone felt this exuberant, energetic and pain-free after their procedure? Did it hit you a few days afterwards?

Hi Marcy

I’m so glad your feeling so good after your procedure I’m waiting to have a stent and coiling done you make me feel a lot happier knowing that you feel so good thanks again .


wow -i was in jeff too for sah,coiled & felt like a got run over by a truck!that's great glad you feel energetic but careful make sure u have help to walk.Dont feel guilty-your friends & family care about you& i'm sure they want to help-try making adjustments for lower back-adjust bed ,add pillows etc sometimes the slightest adj. really helps-was it drjabbour?oh tell the nurses about your back they will get u help-good luck &mayGod Bless u & yours-ron

Ronald, mine wasn’t ruptured. It was an incidental finding. I suspect that might have something to do with difference s in our recovery. No?

I am being treated by Dr. Rosenwasser.

I did tell the nurses and have been prescribed tylenol with codiene which doesn’t seem to provide more than 1 hour of relief. They are concerned about prescribing something that might contraindicate with the heparin. In any case, now that I have more movement and have been sitting up a bit it seems to be a bit better. About to go to sleep in a few minutes and will see how it goes. If it is really bad I will try to push a bit harder.


That is what I was hoping to give you. BTW, I had a great night’s sleep and am still feeling quite good today. Still haven’t tried to stand yet but sitting up as been pretty good.

Thinking of you today and sending strong healing wishes.

Wow, This is wonderful Marcy....~

Keep it going ~ Cyber~thoughts your way Colleen

i thought it was re action to the dye when i went back for recoiling or felt bad from anesthesia but they said i probably had the flu-funny u say dr r cause i thought he was my"savior" when really it was his associate dr jabbour,hope your doing well today.please give us an update if u feel up to it.i only slept an hour before procedure & after so i was really draggin-good day-ron

Hi Marcy, wellcome to the PED recipients world.

I'm one of the oldest PED recipient ( quite 3 years ago in Italy ); I was in the hospital 2 days, and after 4 days I was back to the office.

Take care of you .


This is fantastic! I wish I could've been so lucky - enjoy the success, it's well-deserved.

I see Dr. Gonzalez on the 18th at Jeff Hosp for a 2nd opinion regarding PED. I am glad you are doing great. I'll take all the reassurance I can get:)!!!