October 3 2012

Hello everyone!! I have my PED procedure on the above date. Getting really nervous and excited to have it be over..im ready to start the recovery process..please keep me and my family in you thoughts and prayers :)

Virginia send prayers your way! Please keep us updated on your recovery. I am recovering from my 2nd procedure. ((((hug))))$

Thanks Jo!

Hi Virginia!!
Good luck and prayers to you and your family!! You’ll do great! !!

Prayers and positive thoughts your way. I had mine Sep 5th and thank God I am doing well-occassional headaches and still building up my stamina with walks. Think positive.

Patricia!!! I’m so glad your 2nd procedure went good! !


hi virginia! praying now for your successful procedure and recovery. i love your positivity- it seems to overshadow much of the nervousness and fears-keep up the good work you are right on the money to think good thoughts and look ahead to the new and improved you! Also praying for your family & friends fears to be extinguished, hang in there Virginia keep on keepin on the good thoughts & all will be fine!

Prayers that everything goes quickly and you are recovering soon!!