New Here - Introduction

Hi Everyone -

I'm new here and glad I found this group!! I've been reading for a few days and wanted to introduce myself and share my story..

Sorry this is so long but, here’s my story so far……

I had been sick for the past 2 weeks with a sinus infection. I was on one antibiotic for a week and i just got worse. So, this past Tuesday, I went to my dr. and she prescribed a new antibiotic.

Anyway, I was home sick on Wednesday and ever since I woke up, my whole left arm, from my shoulder to my hand felt extremely heavy and weak. I could barely use it. I wasn't sure at 1st if I slept on it funny or pinched a nerve, etc....

However, since I was on a new antibiotic that I have only taken once before, I was worried that maybe it was a strange reaction or something. I looked at the paper from the pharmacy and it said if you had any sort of reaction like that (as far as your extremities/numbness) to call your dr. so..... I called my dr and they told me to go to medical aid and get checked out.

I went to Med Express. The dr. there wasn't concerned at first...thought maybe it was anxiety/stress manifesting in that way....with the arm discomfort. However, after testing the strength, he got really concerned because there was a noticeable difference. So, next thing you know, they called an ambulance to take me to the ER I really didn't want to go but, he was worried it could be something like a stroke....even though I didnt have other symptoms....better safe than sorry.

So, I got to the ER and they didnt really know what it could be. That was around 5:00pm. At midnight, they finally got me into a cat scan and around 1:00 told me that they were admitting me.

They found 2 Unruptured Aneurysms in the right side of my brain. One of them is pretty tiny 1.5x2.5x2.7 mm The 2nd one is 6x5x5 mm. The larger one is
“in the junction of the right cavernous and supraclinoid segment, moderate sized neck, at the carotid cave” The smaller one is “noted at the expected origin of the right ophthalmic artery with a relatively broad neck”

They were not sure if that was what was causing the numbness or if that was something else. However, to be on the safe side, they admitted me to the "stroke" unit. I had a heart echo and MRI. Thank god, they ruled out a stroke and I was discharged later the next day.

They are not sure exactly what caused the heavy/weakness in my arms. They said it was possibly a reaction to the new antibiotic and took me off it and started a new one. My arm is feeling better now, a few days later, so that may have been it.

Now, I have the aneurysms to deal with. I'm scared shitless!!! However, I'm grateful that I went to the medical aid unit and that they sent me to the ER or I never would have known about them until it would possibly be too late!!!!

I have an appointment this Thursday with the Neurosurgeon that I met with in the hospital. He said it will be a consult and he will schedule the Angiogram.

I know that these may have been here for years but, now that I know about them, I’m so scared!!!

The drs kept telling me that people live with them all the time and are just fine. However, I have some anxiety in general and I don’t think I’m the type of person that can just live with this and not worry all the time. If I have the choice, I would lean towards coiling but, I really don’t know much yet. I know a lot depends on the shape, location, etc…..right??

I live in Delaware and heard that they drs here are good but, it’s open enrollment right now at work and I think I’m going to switch to the PPO that will go into effect on July 1st so I can go to Johns Hopkins for another opinion.

I really don't know what to do. I've heard that some surgeons are very proactive and will do coiling/surgery on ones that are even smaller than mine. Others say to just watch and wait because of a low chance of rupturing.

Have any of you had procedures done on aneurysms of my size?? Are they too small to be treated? I assume the smaller one is but, what about the larger one??

I don't want to live my life worrying that it could possibly rupture at any time. They told me not to get my blood pressure high..... no strenuous lifting things... no straining of any type…

I'm trying to not freak out before my appt. on thursday but, it's really been a shock to me. I'm glad that I know about it, as opposed to just having a rupture in the future but, i'm so scared!!!

The nurses kept saying "you'll be okay, people walk around with them all the time" but, that does NOT make me feel better!!!!!!!!

They have me a script for some Ativan to relax me. I don't want to depend on that either but, my nerves are a wreck!!!!!!

Thank you for taking time to read this!!


Hi Lori (is it Loril or Lori?)

Yeah how crazy to have found out about the aneurysms that way, so glad you did though. When you see the neaurosurgeon be armed with a lot of questions and maybe take an advocate (friend, husband, whatever) so they too can absorb what is being sometimes just the overall shock of having this thing in our heads is enough to make us go blank. there are several ways they can go about taking care of your annies or like you said, maybe a watch/wait sure to ask what kind of procedure will take care of which annie, how long your recuperation time may be if fixed, side effects of each procedure, ...they'll want to know if you have any family history of aneurysms, and what symptoms you may be having (weather or not they're related to the annies being there ) , ..are you on blood pressure meds now? II suppose do as the doctors says and don't lift/strain...good luck at your appointment! Peace, Janet

Hi Janet - it's Lori :) The "L" is for my last name...should have made it a capital L :)

Thanks for your response! I will definitely write down lots of questions. I figured I would forget a lot of what he says so my husband and my dad are both going to the appt. with me!

I'm not on blood pressure meds. My blood pressure is pretty good most of the time. The dr. did tell me not to lift heavy things or strain at you think he was just being overly cautious or is that something that everyone with this is told??

Hi Lori,

Good to hear you're not going to the appointment alone....and if you don't understand something thats brought up in the meeting, be sure to make the surgeon tell you again (in laymen's terms) and remember that there is no such thing as a dumb question....Also, if per chance you're not comfortable with the surgeon, you can always get a 2nd (or 3rd) opinion--and regarding the doctors telling you not to strain or lift...I can't give you a good answer on that as when I've been in the 'annie stage', mine were always found under emergency conditions so they never told me not to do anything before my surgeries....Its probably the basic words of caution coming from the doctor, which sounds like good advice to me ! Its got to pretty mind boggling for you right now, you sure found the right website though ! There are so many compassionate people who are on here, and some of them have truly walked the Miracle Mile....You'll find everything from Clippers, to Coilers to PED/Stent recipients.....some who've got more then 1 prodecure, and a number of people who've discovered they've got more then 1 can get tons of info so feel free to ask, vent, cry, laugh -- whatever you want!

Peace, Janet

Hugs Lori, you sound so similar to me. My 4.5mm annie was found incidentally too and I am a known stresshead so this has caused me a great deal of worry (as I think it would anyone). I am medicated for my nerves and it has worked wonders. My surgeon said straight away due to being only 35 he would treat my annie. Hopefully yours are happy to sort yours out as well.

Hi Fiona -

I'm glad that meds are helping your nerves!!! I really don't want to rely on taking them but, if they help me right now, especially right after being diagnosed, I'll do it. I am 40 so, even though I don't feel so young, maybe age will be on my side and they will want to treat.

Are you have clipping or coiling done and when??


Hello Lori,I have been going to a clinic for headaches,numbness,tingling on the left side of my face,shoulder and arm and neck pain. I have had these symptoms for a while. Anyway had MRI & MRA in Sept 2012,the radiologists report said I had a aneurysm but the 1 Dr at the clinic said I didn't.I've had back problems for a few years, so the orthopedic referred me to UNC (Chapel Hill) for my back.I was in for a surprise when the Dr. came back in after reading my records (CDs) and said he wasn't going to focus on my back now but on my Brain Aneurysm.He said it looked to be between 2-4mm.I go back to CH this Friday for 4 Vessel Arteriogram.and I'm scared and worried.Needless to say I won't be going back to the Clinic. I know how you feel......

Hi Lori...

Again Welcome...for now take the Ativan to relax and also, starting doing something else to help the me hand in hand you need to do this because the journey can be, when I would get so anxious I would walk the dog and exercise and that would help a bit and then if anxiety continued would take a 1/2 of Xanax...never took in my life until the weeks leading from diagnosis of brain anuerysm' the date of surgery...

Now next not listen to nurses...and anyone who makes a stupid comment about people walking around with aneurysm's...this is true...but when our's are found, it puts everything in a different perspective...remember about this people ... if it was them, their children, their siblings, parents, spouses, etc. that were diagnosed with brain aneurysm they may have a different attitude...Ignore it and Take Care of YOU...

Lastly, start preparing for you visit to the Neurosurgeon. Be sure to take another person along...2 sets of ears are better than one...all your questions, write them down and ask the Doctor's...and if you feel unsure ... of can get a 2nd opinion...

~ Good Luck and keep us posted ~ Colleen ~

general doctors and several other doctors told me the same thing about people living with them. no big deal! easy to say ehen its nots you. neurosurgeon disagreed with them all. many people arnt as lucky as us to find out before a rupture. we are very blessed

I am going to see what the surgeon has to say and how I feel about it on Thursday. I am probably going to switch my insurance at work to the PPO so that as of July 1st I can go elsewhere for a 2nd opinion if I want to. I would probably go to Johns Hopkins to see what they say if i'm not comfortable with the surgeon here in Delaware.

I am really glad that I found this site. I'm sure I'll be spending lots of time here. Everyone that I've spoke to since yesterday has been so nice and helpful.

Hi Melanie - good luck on Friday!!! I'm sure you are scared and worried. I know I will be when it's time for mine! I hope all goes well for you!!!

Thanks for the advice Colleen!! I really appreciate it!

I didnt take the Ativan last night or today. I've been doing okay but, when I start letting my mind wander too much, that's when it will be helpful. I'm trying to stay busy at work but, it's been hard focusing since I got back yesterday. It's pretty much all I can think of!

I did take a walk last night after I got home from work to clear my mind and it helped a little.....

I will definitely try to keep that in mind about the nurses or other people making comments like that. You're so right! It would be very different for them if it was themeselves or their friends/family....

I am taking my husband and my dad to my appt on thursday. My husband probably won't say much but, my dad will probably ask a million questions!!!

thanks again for your advice and response!!!


Hi Dawn - I am going to keep that in mind!!!! hopefully the surgeon on Thursday doesn't have that same attitude! If he does, then I will definitely want to meet with a 2nd dr!!!

I am so glad that you went in to have your symptoms checked out. It is amazing to me how we can be told that people have these and walk around with them all the time. Of course those are people that do not know they have them. But, don't worry and keep your blood pressure down. Just remember Lori, that God is in control and be sure to take a good list of questions to ask. It was nice to chat with you this morning and good to hear that you have your husband and dad going with you to help you remember what to ask and what the answers are.


LOL...Lori...are you married to my husband is so loving and supportive, but quiet esp in medical situations...but he is a good listener...I like that you have 2 people going...that will be a big help...

If you have a faith Lori...use it right now...when you walk...take that time...

Have a nice evening...~ Colleen

Lori...welcome...for all the reasons for a welcoming to this site!

I do not believe in watch and wait...except for the amount of time it takes to do your research to ask your questions of your doc...I am so glad your hubby and dad will be your strong advocates for your next meeting... ...they will be support for one well as for the question and answer process...

My aneurysm was/is fractions away from yours...the supraclinoid segment near the posterior communicating artery (PCoA)...w/yours near the supraclinoid/cavernous junction, it is likely closer to the ophthalmic artery that branches off...My initial angio diagnostic was of a 6mm aneurysm, confirmed in the discharge record.

Recommend you browse: internal carotid artery (ICA) anatomy that will provide more data on the segments and branching arteries...Ask your grand advocates to help you w/your research and setting up the questions... the answers, of course, may generate more questions...

You may also want to ask your doctor about the cranial nerves near the area of your aneurysm and w/in the artery access area...If you are pursuing the coiling...ask the frequency of stent addition during, or after, the procedure...ask about the tortuosity of your ICA in the access to, and in the direct area of, your aneurysm...

Were you given a "Patient Guide" to assist your review? If not, check that facility' website...

How many options did the neurosurgeon address? There is the long-standing open surgery/clip; the coils, the Onyx/other brands of glue...and, the newer Pipelines...

Prayers, you do not exercise, lift any weight including the grocery bag...try yoga deep breathing to relax...


Hi Pat -

Thank you for your welcome and information! I will look up and research those areas.

I was given a folder with information in the hospital and I have read through all of it.

I only met with the surgeon for a few minutes in the hospital. I have my appointment with him tomorrow so, hopefully he will go over all the options with me although I'm sure we have to wait until I have my angiogram to really know what they can/can't do.

were you told not to exercise at all or lift anything??

hi Lori! yes it is scary but you can do this~ you have faced scary things before! Just wanted to say Welcome! and glad your here- this will help. Also Praying helps so We'll keep you in thoughts and prayers! c-u around!

Lori...mine was restricted lifting /weight for months...walking was recommended tho I had terrible balance/coordination...I was fearful to attempt to walk alone...

I am so glad you are seeing your doc tomorrow...I am relaxed noting mine was ruptured...and, I know many who had in same general ICA area that were larger than 6mm.

Prayers for you seeking and receiving the answers for your comfort level...


Thanks for the welcome :) I just saw this message...still trying to figure the site out!

I'm having a bad night tonight..... more scared than I've been... I guess because I have my appt. tomorrow and I'm nervous!! I'm just trying to stay positive!!

It was nice chatting with you earlier tonight....i'm sure I'll be back in the chat room often!

Have a good night!