Last minute preparations?

My surgery is on Monday so I am trying to get everything done that needs to be done. I am getting all the laundry done, going grocery shopping this weekend, and rewashing towels and linens so that they are fresh when I return home? I am also going on a date with my husband and getting a massage this weekend. What else should I do that I have not thought of? Anything that you did not do before your surgery that you thought about after?

I am having family come out to help with the kids so that my husband can be with me at the hospital.

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Hi Terry,

Get family pictures taken is the only thing i can suggest. My thoughts will be with you....


Ah Terri...This is exactly what I did ... got things in order before my surgery...and it helped so much...not to mention by the time I was ready for surgery ... I was ready... I told Doc..."Let's get this show on the road..."

You have my prayers and know we will be here anxiously awaiting hearing from you ~ God Speed...~ Colleen

hi terri! great job preparing- we are with you 100% Let us know as soon as you are able. I would add prayers to the list so we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers~~~


What you are doing is grand / wonderful...add a manicure and pedicure if you can following your massage...

You are blessed your family is there to assist you...your hubby may want to have a family member/friend with him also while he is awaiting your treatment...

Prayers for all your successes...


Good Luck Terri for a successful surgery and a quick recovery !

Terri- Sounds like you've got things pretty covered and the above replies have some great ideas, too!

You will be in my prayers. You are strong and you can get through this. Please, please, please.... when you get home you might feel great- please rest when your body tells you to. I didn't because I thought I was feeling great. About two weeks post op I felt like I was hit by a bus because I had way over done it. Let people take care of you even though you are the one who normally takes care of other people!

Big, big hugs and I'm so glad you have come to the point of making a decision of what you need done.



Hi Terri,

It sounds like you have done a great job preparing for post-surgery. I will keep you in my prayers... stay positive!!

go do something nice for yourself, get your hair done, nails, go to a movie etc.....something you enjoy and helps you relax.

good look I will be thinking of you.