I just don't get it!


It's great that you felt like getting out and to church that quickly. I read here where some folks get out even sooner, but for many others it is a lot longer than even your month. Be patient. Let yourself heal. God knows what you're going through and will understand. If it takes 3 months, 6 months, or a year, take the time it takes. You can keep God in your heart; it is between you and him. Church can come later. Let yourself heal fully. And then start with much shorter trips with way fewer people around. Work up to it slowly. You'll get back in God's time and your time, not church time.

Hello Deanna, we all heal at different times. I think Doctors just say 2 weeks time because that is just the average time limit for a person to heal. I suppose we all haveto be patient and not be too hard on ourselves.

Take care

Nikki xx


Thanks for the encouraging words, they came at the right time. I have had a migraine for two days now. Rested all day then went grocery shopping, wore sunglasses in the store and still came home with a headache. I understand it takes time and that I need to rest. The hard part is that I don't have the help I need to rest. Things need to get done. My husband and daughters help as much as they can but they have responsibilities of their own.

Church has been such a big part of my life and it has been hard to miss so much of it already. I tried to go on a Sunday and it was still very difficult. I had to leave early.

Yes, in God's time. That is what I am learning.

Thanks again,


Hi Nikki,

I agree we all heal differently. This has been a long jounery for me. Found out I had aneurysm 5 years ago and had it fixed in July. I spent so much time praying about when to fix it that I guess I really didn't think much about the recovery process. Honestly, because mine was unruptured I didn't think recovery would be this hard.

Patient...really I'm not good with that. Lol And I have always been hard on myself so I guess I better work on that too!



Hi - I want to chime in. I used to be very active here, and decided to check in today and saw your post.

I was coiled for unruptured aneurysm almost TWO YEARS (!!!!!!!!!) ago. It did take longer than the doctor said - I think it's awful that they give unrealistic expectations. Some people feel better much faster, but I think they are the exception.

But what I wanted to say is this - it did take time and was way more frustrating than I expected. My head felt "wrong" and going out was hard, headaches were bad - etc etc

But once I got better, I was BETTER. I almost never havwe headaches anymore, and feel completely normal. Didn't expect "normal" headaches to go away, but they pretty much have. Love how the docs say that they weren't related to aneurysms!

Keep trudging along. It gets better, it really does. The beginning can be tougher than expected, but you will get better!

I agree I can't seem to handle any thing stressful...


Yea, my head feels wrong. How long did it take before you felt better? I suffered from headaches most of my life. I knew I would still have them after coiling and hoping they go away and stay away. I have tried many medication and supplements and nothing ever works for long or at all.



Don’t let anyone tell you how you are suppose to be feeling…it took me almost a year, just to feel like myself. I am now 3 years since I had my rupture, and coiling and still have brain fog. Go at your own pace.


You have taken the words from my mouth!!! I just had a pipeline stent for an unruptured annie on 9/11; I wanted to go back to work on Monday but I still can't even go to the grocery store. I think I am looking for the same answers that you are; How long before I feel "normal"? The doctors say, "two weeks" my family says, "take your time" I say," are you kidding me?". I take a shower in the morning and feel like I just finished running the Boston marathon! Watching t.v. is painful, often confusing, and definitely tiring. I have a hard time concentrating on things.

I thought that by now these things would be better, or at least hoped that they would. My husband tells me all the time that I am strong and that I will be better in no time, etc... if he could only understand that I feel like I am letting him down every time he says that. Well, Lets hope and pray for both of us that our 6 month angio shows that all is well and that while we are waiting things will at least be bearable.

Thank you for sharing (and listening)



I understand how you feel. But it does take time and you will get better. We just don't know when.

It has been 11 weeks Wed. and I am staring to feel like myself again. Went to the mall yesterday an felt fine! It felt good to do something that I use to do before surgery.

Hang in there, rest and let other's take care of you. It is a very frustrating process.

Walmart makes me feel the worst. I'll be going later today and am curious to see how I will react to all the light's and noise. I'll let you know.

Keep me posted on your recovery.

Hugs, Deanna

Lora & Deanna,

Had my pipeline inserted July 31st, and the past two months have been a roller coaster ride, but I finally feel like I'm on the right track, and am starting to realize my limitations and not push myself beyond them too much. Just this week, I'm finally sleeping lying flat. Prior to this week, I got terrible headaches from doing so that would last all day long, or worse, I'd be nauseated all day long and have the terrible headaches. I also read an entire novel yesterday... way exciting for me, I'm a reading teacher! I think each person not only has their own time, but their own journey (and their own medications...lol). For me, the chiropractor has really helped (she was able to help with the 'buzzing' in my ears, the 'loudness' when I was in a busy environment, and the migraines), and tylenol and nortriptyline. My husband has been so wonderful through all of this, and deserves a medal of appreciation for putting up with my mood swings alone. You are right, It is frustrating because we're taking little baby steps! Ron K. said something in a blog post a while back about being reborn, and to think of yourself in that way... so, Lora, you're only 2 weeks old, and look how much you can already do! I know that sounds cheesy, but it really is inspiring. Ron's post really impacted how I think about things in regard to all of this that has happened. I wound up taking a month and a half off from work, and I'm looking forward now to going back in early October. But I know I'll have limitations there too, and need to work my way through them. But I also know that I'll have you all to support me if I need it, and that so rocks!

Hope you're both on the mend and doing well--
