
Hi all

Following an usnucessful craniotomy in May, my brain aneurysm was successfully embolised (in June) using the webbing method. This made me the 3rd person in the UK to have this procedure.

I have found that I now have a constant 'thick' head! Not quite a headache, more like pressure in my temples. This can run across my forehead, and will often culminate in an awful sickening ache at the base of my skull/ top of my neck. Painkillers have no effect at all.

Also, I find myself reaching for words that I know exist, but I just can't find them. This makes me quite frustrated!

Concentrating makes me really tired, which means I am currently off work on long term sick leave, as working absolutely exhausts me.

I now worry that this is not going to improve, that my company will fill my role, that everything is just falling out of my head!!

Is all this normal?

Hi ... do you mean you had a Coiling embolization? That is what I had and afterwards I had many a headaches...and concentrating was difficult for sometime...it really takes time and rest for the brain to heal...What are your Doctors telling you?

~ Colleen

Hi Cee! yes this is normal imo, but be assured things will improve but at a snails pace i'm afraid. I have the pressure too and seems to be seasonal allergies that sudofed works wonders. Tylenol also works, all things seem to be magnafyed- sinus pressure, light and noise sensitivity, emotions, fatigue, etc etc. Although I was very different than most having a SAH our after effects seem the same, Please don't hesitate to call them- they are the experts who work for you! especially since your procedure is so new, thanks for sharing! see you around! ps- i can totally relate to job too -was very emotional being in the board room to be terminated- very difficult for them too i'll bet~

Hi Ceejay

I relate to a lot you are saying. I had my 2nd surgery on 5th Sept the clip my 3 aneurysm, I had 2 clipped august last year. I am constantly tired, I get the head/neck ache and I lose the words I'm trying to say halfway through a sentence. My second surgery left me with epilepsy too. this was all for unruptured annies that were found when they thought I was having a brain bleed or meningitis. are you seeing a neurologist? I saw my neurosurgeon last week and he referred me to one

Hope things improve for you soon


Hi Colleen

I didn't have Coiling as the neck of my aneurysm is too wide. I had the new Webbing technique.


Thanks Ron

My company have been great, they really want to do the right thing. I just worry that I'm ever going to be able to work at that level any more.

It's good to know that the pressure headaches etc aren't unusual. Time, as usual, will be the healer!