Exercise update and a big fat Thankyou!

Hi ya peeps

Firstly thanks guys for all the wonderful advice on the ol " getting my butt back to the gym". Each and every one of your replies are so very much appreciated, and I know will help others as much as it helped me. Talking about me, guess where I've just come back from yep " the gym" Woooooop Wooooooop..... No walking in and walking out....no anxiety.....n best of all no head hurty once i'd finished...... just a whole heap of relief and a big fat grin on my face. Okay so I didn't run a marathon or beat any gold medals but since the anne it is defo my personal best hahaha :)

It certainly helped that there was not a single sole in the gym, as I am presently in a hotel, and as expected the gym at weekends are empty, so had the whole space to go as slow as I liked and just get a feel of the place, and it felt really good, with no worry of stopping and starting or panicking infront of others. So yaaaay for me and yaaaay for all you baf friends that once again came thru for me.

Have ya selves a fab day


P.s Also did my first flight since the coiling and no probs there at all :) although could have done without my 8 year old announcing to the security. " If my mommy beeps its cuz she has a mental head!" :)

AWSOME!!!!!! just curious,,, do you know how many coils were placed in your annie???? and where , what side of the brain is the annie? Julie in Delaware Huggsssss and prayers

Hi Julie,

The coiled one is off the terminus of the right internal carotid artery, not sure how many coils were used, but know it was 8mm. I also have a 4mm on the left internal carotid that I am currently babysitting.

Hugs back atcha


Fab weekend Jim

Four months post anne's and finally feeling like me again, if not just a little more mental than before :)

Have a great day

Hi Gaynor...hahaha...You got love kids...!

Well you and I both accomplished something this weekend...you and the gym...me drove myself to Church yesterday and then to Walmart...Whoooop....Whooooop....ok it wasn't very far....but "baby steps" can be so liberating...and Free....

I am taking my first flight since coiling at the end of this month...and no beeping for me...

Hope you rec'd my email...Have a great day...Colleen

Amen to what Jim just said…!