Checking in for my first time! Hope everyone is doing well!

I have noticed that I am not quiet as sharp as I was before surgery especially as I tire. Will this get better with time? Was coiled December 29.


Yes, undoubtably your fog will clear, you are so early into this journey remember! Don't over do things, drink lots of fluids, when you're feeling tired, listen to your body and rest. I know these things are easier said then done a lot of times, (when you don't 'look' like you just had brain surgery) but you have had a surgical procedure on your brain, and with that goes some consideration.

Peace, Janet

It does get better...but you are still so early in the healing journey...and it takes time...and lots of rest for the brain to continue to heal...~ wishing you a peaceful evening...~ Colleen

Ross...sorry I missed you on chat...

recovery depends so much...on the long you were maintained in hospital...

what your instructions of "to do / not do"...were/are....the minimally invasive coiling based on the procedure results can vary tremendously...for each/all of us...

By all means...definitely get your properly, drink lots of quality fluid...Track your daily history...of sleep, eating, any nausea...any headaches / other head pressure...

And, drive as little as possible...until you sense/feel you are traffic...

your vision and hearing...reaction to light/dark (sun/bright lights) ...and especially to your balance...if walking...particularly up/down stairs/steps... If changes occur, have occurred, are to your have your daily medical diary...gosh, I even spelled it right...

If needed, ask for a neuro-oph and/or getting your hearing checked...I recently learned that there is a connection in the inner ear to the vision muscle controls...(back to cranial nerves)...

Please remember...I have no expertise...tho do have experience in the minimally invasive coiling...

I yet must read/outline/ numerous the inner ear and visual muscles...

Please keep us updated...warm prayers for your best possible continued recovery...
