Cerebral Angiogram recovery

Hi all-
It was such a whirlwind when I had my last angiogram (surgery 2 days later) so I can’t remember what the expected recovery time was supposed to be. I have two kids (4 and 2) and wondered how other moms managed after the procedure (I.e lifting the kids, etc). Should I take a few days off from work? My angio is Tuesday (6 months since my PED was placed!!!) so I’m getting a bit anxious:-). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

They tell you no lifting more than 10lbs. for a week after. I just have to adjust my parenting or have some help here and there. Usually I can get them to help me help them climb into the car, or I can have them crawl into my lap on the couch for snuggling. I just tell them straight up that I can't pick them up because I have an "owie" and they survive. The pain in the leg varies, but for me it was only a day or two of soreness really. As for work, I guess that depends on your job, but in normal circumstances as long as it didn't involve heavy lifting or major physical endurance I think you'd be fine. Don't be anxious - it's a breeze in comparison to surgery I think, and I've had some bad angios. Once you're out of the hospital after the procedure, you're fine.

Hi Kelly, I just had my 6 month angiogram in Jan. I did take a couple days off work. You will have to be careful not to lift for about a week. I was all nervous about it and it wasn't as bad as the surgery. Good luck to you. I hope you get great news like I did! Deb

Sarah- thanks SO much for the response…I feel much better already:-).

Deb- thanks so much for your message and my fingers (and toes!!!) are crossed for good news on Tuesday:-)

Hi Kelly ... be sure to ask all the restrictions after your angiogram...I know they tell me ... no heavy lifting for 2 weeks, to put my leg up for a few days...and no overdo...my groin usually has some pain for a few days and I will use an ice bag...but check with the nurse who gives instructions for when you leave...

Remember our fear is more in the anticipation then the actual procedure...gotcha in my thoughts ~ Colleen

I’m 4 weeks post angio and I’m still recovering. I had an angio seal put in and there is still some swelling in my groin. It seems to take longer to recover each time I have one. Everyone is different

I got some great news (actually-the best news) today…my 30mm is 100% occluded 6-months after my PED was placed. I’m so incredibly thankful right now. The doc beliefs my headaches and vision issues should improve over the next 6 months.

And I am so thankful for the BAF site- reading the posts from other survivors has kept me sane thru this difficult time:-)

(((Kelly)))This is wonderful news...Thank you for sharing...be sure to do something nice for YOU...~ Congratulations ~ Colleen

That is wonderful news! Keeping my fingers crossed that headaches, vision, etc, continue to improve. My headaches are finally becoming less frequent after 3 months. Take it easy with the lifting. And please keep us posted on your progress! Blessings

Congratulations! My 6 month angio after PED is in two weeks. Yes...I'm a bit nervous..but am hoping for good news - the kind of news you received!!
