Angiogram next week...a bit terrified!

Angio next Thursday, the 17th. I know that this is very possibly the easiest thing I will have to go through with this stupid aneurysm, and I will probably have to have multiple angios, but I am psyching myself out! I need to hear lots of POSITIVE angio stories. Everyone tell me how painless and easy it is, okay? Lol. In all seriousness, the closer it gets, the higher my anxiety gets. My Dr. said he wants to do a seal after the procedure so I only have to be flat for 2 hours and can then go home. Anyone have experience with this? Also, I have 2 young kids. The little one is only a year old, so not lifting him means I can’t be alone with him. Anyone know how long before you can lift again after the procedure? I am planning on having help through the weekend. So ready to be done instead of sitting around thinking about it.

Thanks for any support!

I can send you positive vibes...but ... ah the big but...everyone is different and an angiogram can be scary...I have had many and still get so upset before going through the procedure...sometimes the thoughts of it are worse then the actual Jim said, make sure you will get a sedative of some type...also, I have had the "mynx" placed after the procedure due to being a bleed risk...and I must tell you I tend to have a bit more pain a few days after (in my groin and leg) and I am told it is due to the enclosure...ask your Doctors before release all these questions...esp about lifting...Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers ~ Colleen

Hi Andrea,

I’ve had at least a half dozen angiograms during my 43 year annie journey. I’m very thankful that I can say that I’ve not had any complications. Please follow your doctors advice and, when in doubt about what you can do and when you can do it, err on the side of caution.

Try not to get too stressed about the upcoming test. Prayer, meditation and singing have always been helpful to me.

May God grant you his peace.

Take care.


they will make you comfy :)

Hi Andrea. I just had my angiogram 12 days ago. I was nervous too but honestly, once they give you the drugs, you won’t remember a thing! My procedure took about an hour and then another hour in the recovery room and then 3 more hours of laying flat. I actually slept most of he time which was great. Stayed reclined on the car ride home and afterwards, at home, too. Limited activity for 2 days and no lifting of anything heavier than a fork and stairs only 1x per day…up with opposite leg. I could walk around ok but had a little limp as it was sore. I had some bruising too. Went a bit stir crazy in the house and not being able to drive. It’s been 12 days and just feeling like myself again although I have been going to work and trying to do all my normal stuff. I’d say you will need help with the baby for 2 weeks to be safe. Some people feel better sooner tho!!

All best wishes,


Thanks for sharing your experience Karyn. Did they tell you no lifting for 2 days or for 2 weeks? My husband and sisters will be around the first few days, but after that I would need to call in some favors! I am a stay at home mom, my husband is usually home from work around 2pm, so i am only on my own half the day. I hope my experience is like yours, I really don’t want to remember anything either. I actually feel calmer now hearing from you guys. Thank you! I’m sure the xanex the Dr. prescribed will be my best friend leading p to the procedure! Lol

I also have another brain scan on Thursday the 17t. To say I was nervous for my first angiogram after the initial rupture would be an understatement. However I have had 4 angiograms now and while they are not pleasant, it's just become another part of living with an aneurysm. The last one in October 2012 was about as good as one of these can be. I had it on a Friday and want back to work Monday morning no worse for wear. No bruising, lumps, and very little discomfort. The staff should keep you comfortably numb during the procedure. You are going to be OK!

Lifting is always an issue for people with aneurysms and after an angiogram it's more important not to strain for a while. Your doctor will tell you what your limits are after the procedure or before if you call and ask. Best of luck and let us know how it goes.